

c# Programming Glossary: nc

Mobile Device Detection in asp.net


The following is a Mobile device detection code which encompasses three different conditions if Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice.. vulc vx 52 53 60 61 70 80 81 83 85 98 w3c webc whit wi g nc nw wmlb wonu x700 yas your zeto zte RegexOptions.IgnoreCase..

HttpWebRequest not passing Credentials


HttpWebRequest.Create requestUri NetworkCredential nc new NetworkCredential user password request.Credentials nc request.Method.. nc new NetworkCredential user password request.Credentials nc request.Method WebRequestMethods.Http.Get HttpWebResponse response..

How to create XmlElement attributes with prefix?


an attribute with a prefix in a xml element. For instance... nc Person s id ID_Person_01 nc Person In order to do this.. attribute with a prefix in a xml element. For instance... nc Person s id ID_Person_01 nc Person In order to do this I though.. a xml element. For instance... nc Person s id ID_Person_01 nc Person In order to do this I though that the following would..

C# Uploading files to file server


try WebClient client new WebClient NetworkCredential nc new NetworkCredential uName password Uri addy new Uri new Uri Files test.flv client.Credentials nc byte arrReturn client.UploadFile addy filePath Console.WriteLine..

HttpWebRequests sends parameterless URI in Authorization header


like Authorization Digest username usr realm domain nonce ... uri dir algorithm MD5 etc... ^^^^^^^^^^ The server returns.. like Authorization Digest username usr realm domain nonce ... uri dir query id 1 algorithm MD5 etc... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.. etc... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We suspect that the difference in URI is causing the web service to deny the request with..

Basic Dual Contouring Theory


a vertex positioned at the minimizer of the quadratic function of equation 1. For each edge that exhibits a sign change.. 1 x0 1. t0 v0 t0 v1 return x0 df x0 #Input # f implicit function # df gradient of f # nc resolution def dual_contour f df.. x0 df x0 #Input # f implicit function # df gradient of f # nc resolution def dual_contour f df nc #Compute vertices dc_verts..

(407) Proxy Authentication Required, in c#


CredentialCache cc new CredentialCache NetworkCredential nc new NetworkCredential nc.UserName userName nc.Password password.. CredentialCache NetworkCredential nc new NetworkCredential nc.UserName userName nc.Password password nc.Domain mydomain cc.Add.. nc new NetworkCredential nc.UserName userName nc.Password password nc.Domain mydomain cc.Add http