

c# Programming Glossary: nb

Create COM/ActiveXObject in C#, use from JScript, with simple event


invoked. status obj.status WScript.Echo num num End Sub NB You can define your jscript event handler function to accept..

How can I change the file location programmatically?


expectedFile Text.Contains Message from test NB I strongly suggest using the compact property syntax demonstrated..

C# catch a stack overflow exception


in a special way Can I catch handle properly the exception NB if relevant the exception is not thrown in the main thread the..

How to check a input IP fall in a specific IP range


i upperBoundary addressBytes i upperBytes i return true NB The above code could be extended to add public static factory..

Creating an instance using Ninject with additional parameters in the constructor


like this x x.Bind MyClass .ToProvider new MyClassProvider NB the CalculateINow bit is where you'd put in your logic as in..

Is there any way to close a StreamWriter without closing it's BaseStream?


so the stream can be read by a third party component. NB I cannot change the third party component. public System.IO.Stream..

How to remotely control a Windows Service with ServiceController?


related to impersonation but I don't know what that means. NB The local and remote computers are both running Win XP Pro...

Get Firefox URL?


dde.Request URL int.MaxValue dde.Disconnect return url NB This is very slow. It takes a few seconds on my computer. The..

Bayer Ordered Dithering


201GammaCorrection to see an explanation of the effect NB page is quite graphics heavy . Incidentally perhaps the apparently..

C# naming convention for enum and matching property


the class. What naming convention do you use in this case NB This question was partially debated in comments of an answer..

How can I insert an image into a RichTextBox?


You can download a full specification for RTF online. NB It's just a little thing I slapped together in 5 minutes so..

What are the similarities and differences between Java Annotations and C# Attributes?


attribute only if the TRACE symbol was defined. NB. attribute metadata is available at runtime by default in C#..

How to Implement Password Resets?


Are there any other considerations I need to be aware of NB Other questions have glossed over technical implementation entirely...

C# + high resolution timer


0 milliseconds passed end start Console.ReadLine NB The following is my old answer when I thought the OP was talking..

How to use HTML Agility pack


body if bodyNode null Do something with bodyNode NB This code is an example only and not necessarily the best only..

C# Google Calendar V3 2 Legged authentication fails


google api google calendar share improve this question NB At the time of writing you can only used 2 legged authentication..