

c++ Programming Glossary: getage

Is there support in C++/STL for sorting objects by attribute?


this Say I have an class like this class Person public int getAge const double getIncome const .. .. and a vector vector Person.. operator const Person p1 const Person p2 const return p1 getAge p2 getAge sort people.begin people.end AgeCmp Is there a less.. const Person p1 const Person p2 const return p1 getAge p2 getAge sort people.begin people.end AgeCmp Is there a less verbose..

Sending variable pointers back and forth between C++ and Lua?


free void name void print printf s is i n name age int getAge return this age void setAge int a this age a To expose this.. person p person lua_touserdata L 1 p print return 0 int L_getAge lua_State L person p person lua_touserdata L 1 lua_pushnumber.. L person p person lua_touserdata L 1 lua_pushnumber L p getAge return 1 int L_setAge lua_State L person p person lua_touserdata..