

c++ Programming Glossary: getcursorpos

What to do to make application Large Address Aware?


not attempt to use Bit31 for something else. replace all GetCursorPos calls with GetCursorInfo see GetCursorPos fails with large addresses.. replace all GetCursorPos calls with GetCursorInfo see GetCursorPos fails with large addresses for all assignments into PVOID64..

c++ using too much cpu


player hits if Enemie1.pEnemie1 550 POINT pt GetCursorPos pt ScreenToClient hWnd pt for long index 0 index long Enemie1.vS1Enemie1.size.. Paint hdc hWnd EndPaint hWnd ps break case WM_LBUTTONDOWN GetCursorPos pt ScreenToClient hWnd pt if conno 1 conno else pt.x 18 conno.. InvalidateRect hWnd rect false break case LBUTTONDOWN_ID GetCursorPos pt ScreenToClient hWnd pt if conno 1 if cursor 0 conno ..

Get Current Cursor Position


this question You get the cursor position by calling GetCursorPos . POINT p if GetCursorPos p cursor position now in p.x and p.y.. the cursor position by calling GetCursorPos . POINT p if GetCursorPos p cursor position now in p.x and p.y This returns the cursor..