

c++ Programming Glossary: getcurrentthread

Equivalent of SetThreadPriority on Linux (pthreads)


API. #include windows.h int main SetThreadPriority GetCurrentThread THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST return 0 c c linux winapi pthreads..

How to detect possible / potential stack overflow problems in a c / c++ program?


CONTEXT_CONTROL get the details GetThreadContext GetCurrentThread context print the stack pointer printf Esp X n context.Esp this.. CONTEXT_CONTROL get the details GetThreadContext GetCurrentThread context print the stack pointer printf Esp X n context.Esp __try..

How to Log Stack Frames with Windows x64


DWORD MachineType GetCurrentProcess __in HANDLE hProcess GetCurrentThread __in HANDLE hThread stk __inout LP STACKFRAME64 StackFrame.. MachineType GetCurrentProcess __in HANDLE hProcess GetCurrentThread __in HANDLE hThread stk __inout LP STACKFRAME64 StackFrame..

How can I hook Windows functions in C/C++?


DetourTransactionBegin DetourUpdateThread GetCurrentThread DetourAttach PVOID Real_Send Mine_Send DetourAttach PVOID.. DetourTransactionBegin DetourUpdateThread GetCurrentThread DetourDetach PVOID Real_Send Mine_Send DetourDetach PVOID..