

c++ Programming Glossary: getlanefrom

How to sort a std::set with const getters


the following class class LaneConnector public const Lane getLaneFrom const return From const Lane getLaneTo const return To private.. LaneConnector c LaneConnector d Lane a const_cast Lane c getLaneFrom Lane b const_cast Lane d getLaneFrom return a getLaneID b getLaneID.. a const_cast Lane c getLaneFrom Lane b const_cast Lane d getLaneFrom return a getLaneID b getLaneID myLaneConnectorSorter Now when..

sort std::set using operator() to order the insertions


we have a class as class LaneConnector public const Lane getLaneFrom const return From const Lane getLaneTo const return To private.. to put some null pointer checks in here const Lane a lhs getLaneFrom const Lane b rhs getLaneFrom return a getLaneID b getLaneID.. in here const Lane a lhs getLaneFrom const Lane b rhs getLaneFrom return a getLaneID b getLaneID and finally a source and destination..