

c++ Programming Glossary: getidsofnames

How do I call functions that receive floating point values using IDispatch.Invoke?


LPOLESTR name L CentimetersToPoints HRESULT hr wordapp GetIDsOfNames IID_NULL name 1 LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT dispid assert SUCCEEDED..

Enumerate COM object (IDispatch) methods using ATL?


know the name of the method you want to call you can use GetIDsOfNames to map the name to the proper DISPID. HRESULT hr CComPtr IDispatch.. here. Also setup your params in dispparams. hr dispatch GetIDsOfNames IID_NULL member 1 LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT dispid if SUCCEEDED..

How to retrieve the Interface ID of a COM class so that it can be passed to CoCreateInstance?


L FileExists DISPID idFileExists if SUCCEEDED pDispatch GetIDsOfNames IID_NULL sMember 1 LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT idFileExists unsigned..

Calling C++ function from JavaScript script running in a web browser control


lcid ITypeInfo ppTInfo virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetIDsOfNames REFIID riid LPOLESTR rgszNames UINT cNames LCID lcid DISPID.. c Invoke message box but it doesn't EDIT 2 I implemented GetIDsOfNames like so HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE JSObject GetIDsOfNames REFIID.. GetIDsOfNames like so HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE JSObject GetIDsOfNames REFIID riid LPOLESTR rgszNames UINT cNames LCID lcid DISPID..

How can I convert a JavaScript array() to an ATL/COM array?


L length DISPID dispidLength 0 HRESULT hr pDispatch GetIDsOfNames IID_NULL sLengthName 1 LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT dispidLength if FAILED.. LPOLESTR const_cast WCHAR strIndex.data hr pDispatch GetIDsOfNames IID_NULL pIndex 1 LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT dispidIndex if FAILED..