

c++ Programming Glossary: getcurrentprocessid

SizeOfImage member causing program crash


MINFO HANDLE hProcess OpenProcess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS 0 GetCurrentProcessId if hProcess GetModuleInformation hProcess GetModuleHandle NULL..

How do we tell if a C++ application is launched as a Windows service?


ms c++ get pid of current process


How can I tell if the current process is a service or not (C++, Win32)?


improve this question Search the current process id GetCurrentProcessId from the list of all running services EnumServicesStatusEx ..

C++ — how to write a sample code that will crash and produce dump file?


FALSE auto dumped pMiniDumpWriteDump GetCurrentProcess GetCurrentProcessId hFile MINIDUMP_TYPE MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory MiniDumpScanMemory..

C++ Boost.ASIO: passing accepted TCP connection from one opened socket to another using Windows APIs ( while works with Linux APIs)?


WSAPROTOCOL_INFO pi WSADuplicateSocket socket.native GetCurrentProcessId pi SOCKET socketDup WSASocket pi.iAddressFamily AF_INET pi.iSocketType..

Win32 - Get Main Wnd Handle of application


multiple 'main windows'. To detect them you could Call GetCurrentProcessId to get the PID of the current process Call EnumWindows to iterate.. HWND getToplevelWindows EnumWindowsCallbackArgs args GetCurrentProcessId if EnumWindows EnumWindowsCallback LPARAM args FALSE XXX Log..