

c++ Programming Glossary: getdc

OpenGL two different 3d rendering picture control on single MFC dialog not working


depth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Get device context only once. hdc GetDC m_hDC Pixel format. m_nPixelFormat ChoosePixelFormat hdc pfd..

Creating 8bpp bitmap with GDI and saving it as a file


of bytes prepare bitmap BYTE bitmap_data NULL HDC hDC GetDC NULL HDC memHDC CreateCompatibleDC hDC BITMAPINFO bmi memset..

How to read the screen pixels?


HWND hDesktopWnd GetDesktopWindow HDC hDesktopDC GetDC hDesktopWnd HDC hCaptureDC CreateCompatibleDC hDesktopDC HBITMAP..

Bitmap transfer using Winsock, GetDIBits and SetDiBits [closed]


data HBITMAP hBitmap BITMAP Bitmap RECT r HDC ActiveDC GetDC hActive HDC CopyDC CreateCompatibleDC ActiveDC GetWindowRect.. hwnd NULL r.left r.top scrWidth scrHeight 0 HDC ThisDC GetDC hwnd DeleteDC RemoteDC RemoteDC CreateCompatibleDC ThisDC..

c++ using too much cpu


pt VOID Paint HDC hdc HWND hWnd int lifePos 200 hdc GetDC hWnd HDC memDC CreateCompatibleDC hdc HBITMAP hMemMap CreateCompatibleBitmap..

Creating a transparent window in C++ Win32


create a memory DC holding the splash bitmap HDC hdcScreen GetDC NULL HDC hdcMem CreateCompatibleDC hdcScreen HBITMAP hbmpOld..

Creating HBITMAP from memory buffer


that has no concept of the screen dc or window that using GetDC NULL and CreateCompatibleDC NULL are no good. Sample code BITMAPINFO..

array[byte] to HBITMAP or CBitmap


bmih void bits bits void bytes bmfh bfOffBits HDC hdc GetDC NULL HBITMAP hbmp CreateDIBitmap hdc bmih CBM_INIT bits bmi..

efficiently acquiring a screenshot of the windows desktop


hbmpMem HBITMAP hOriginal BITMAP bmpDesktopCopy dcDesktop GetDC GetDesktopWindow dcMem CreateCompatibleDC dcDesktop hbmpMem..

How to save the client area of a child Window to a Bitmap file?


rect.bottom rect.top 32 HDC device_context_handle image_ GetDC PrintWindow hwnd device_context_handle PW_CLIENTONLY image_.. should do the trick. To save as HBITMAP HDC hDC GetDC hwnd HDC hTargetDC CreateCompatibleDC hDC RECT rect 0 GetWindowRect..

How to get screenshot of a window as bitmap object in C++?


endl return 0 GetClientRect hwnd rc create HDC hdcScreen GetDC NULL HDC hdc CreateCompatibleDC hdcScreen HBITMAP hbmp CreateCompatibleBitmap..