

c++ Programming Glossary: getmessage

displaying a message when the user taps a key


LowLevelKeyboardProc hInstance 0 MSG msg while GetMessage msg NULL 0 0 TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg return..

How to get the Windows Power State Message (WM_POWERBROADCAST) when not running a Win32 GUI app?


enters the Hibernate state. I cannot modify the GUI App. GetMessage only works if the calling thread is the same thread as the UI.. UpdateWindow _hWnd void message_loop MSG msg 0 while GetMessage msg NULL 0 0 if msg.message WM_QUIT break TranslateMessage..

How to append text to a TextBox?


NULL NULL ShowWindow hMainWindow SW_SHOW MSG msg while GetMessage msg NULL 0 0 TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg return..

DoEvents equivalent for C++?


result while PeekMessage msg NULL 0 0 PM_NOREMOVE result GetMessage msg NULL 0 0 if result 0 WM_QUIT PostQuitMessage msg.wParam..

How do I stop windows from blocking the program during a window drag or menu button being held down?


function looks like this BOOL ret MSG msg while ret GetMessage msg nullptr 0 0 0 if ret 1 TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage..

Should I use DirectInput or Windows message loop?


prefer. Your typical message pump looks like this while GetMessage msg NULL 0 0 if WM_QUIT msg.message break TranslateMessage msg..

Keyboard Input & the Win32 message loop


A typical C message loop looks like this MSG msg while GetMessage msg null 0 0 TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg The function.. WPARAM key extern void OnKeyUp WPARAM key MSG msg while GetMessage msg null 0 0 if msg.message WM_KEYDOWN OnKeyDown msg.wParam..

What is an efficient way to wrap HWNDs in objects in C++?


appwindow.ShowWindow SW_SHOW MSG msg while GetMessage msg 0 0 0 TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg app shutdown..

Understanding the low-level mouse and keyboard hook (win32)


at 100 . But that's okay for now that goes away if I use GetMessage . Now as I understand it the low level hooks work by context.. the hook alive even if you don't poll for messages use GetMessage to solve your problem. Using Sleep 1 will solve your problem..

What is the difference between WM_QUIT, WM_CLOSE, and WM_DESTROY in a windows program?


message is not related to any window the hwnd got from GetMessage is NULL and no window procedure is called . This message indicates.. should be stopped and application should be closed. When GetMessage reads WM_QUIT it returns 0 to indicate that. Take a look at.. typical message loop snippet the loop is continued while GetMessage returns non zero. WM_QUIT can be sent by PostQuitMessage function...

c++ using too much cpu


MAKEINTRESOURCE IDC_XSTRIKE Main message loop while GetMessage msg NULL 0 0 if TranslateAccelerator msg.hwnd hAccelTable msg..

Can the HWND from CreateWindow/CreateDialog be GetMessage'd from another thread?


the HWND from CreateWindow CreateDialog be GetMessage'd from another thread Using the Win32 APIs is it possible to.. to threads Trying the contrived example below I never see GetMessage fire. HWND g_hWnd DWORD WINAPI myThreadProc LPVOID lpParam while.. HWND g_hWnd DWORD WINAPI myThreadProc LPVOID lpParam while GetMessage &msg hWnd 0 0 0 ... int WINAPI WinMain HINSTANCE hInstance..

Why must SetWindowsHookEx be used with a windows message queue


WH_KEYBOARD_LL KeyboardProc NULL 0 MSG msg while GetMessage msg NULL 0 0 0 TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg UnhookWindowsHookEx.. difference Also the loop never executes only waits on the GetMessage function. The loop executes only when I post the quit message..