

c++ Programming Glossary: getcurrentprocess

Programmatically compute the start time of a process on Windows


you're interested in is the current process you can use GetCurrentProcess to get the process handle that you'll need to call GetProcessTimes..

Is there any way to force the WorkingSet of a process to be 1GB in C++?


100 int errorCode SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx GetCurrentProcess workingSetSizeMB 1 1024 1024 dwMinimumWorkingSetSize workingSetSizeMB..

How to get list of GDI handles


this process is running on WOW64 BOOL wow IsWow64Process GetCurrentProcess wow read basic info to get PEB address we only need the beginning..

Making a HANDLE RAII-compliant using shared_ptr with a custom deleter


is a PHANDLE . medium ugly with the cast. OpenProcessToken GetCurrentProcess TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES TOKEN_QUERY PHANDLE h Example 3 Process32First..

How can I measure CPU time and wall clock time on both Linux/Windows?


double get_cpu_time FILETIME a b c d if GetProcessTimes GetCurrentProcess a b c d 0 Returns total user time. Can be tweaked to include..

Correct way to check if Windows is 64 bit or not, on runtime? (C++)


Windows so must sniff BOOL f64 FALSE return IsWow64Process GetCurrentProcess f64 f64 #else return FALSE Win64 does not support Win16 #endif..

How to get memory usage under Windows in C++


memory info about the specified process. You can pass GetCurrentProcess as the process handle in order to get information about the..

Windows Vista/Win7 Privilege Problem: SeDebugPrivilege & OpenProcess


tokenPriv LUID luidDebug if OpenProcessToken GetCurrentProcess TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES hToken FALSE if LookupPrivilegeValue..

Sharing memory between modules


GetProcAddress HeapAlloc and HeapFree GetProcessHeap and GetCurrentProcess . Everything considered I think I would stick to putting the..

C++ — how to write a sample code that will crash and produce dump file?


FALSE auto dumped pMiniDumpWriteDump GetCurrentProcess GetCurrentProcessId hFile MINIDUMP_TYPE MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory.. FALSE auto dumped pMiniDumpWriteDump GetCurrentProcess GetCurrentProcessId hFile MINIDUMP_TYPE MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory..

How to determine a process “virtual size” (WinXP)?


pmcx pmcx.cb sizeof pmcx GetProcessMemoryInfo GetCurrentProcess reinterpret_cast PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS pmcx pmcx.cb Now pmcx.PrivateUsage..

How to Log Stack Frames with Windows x64


IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 __in DWORD MachineType GetCurrentProcess __in HANDLE hProcess GetCurrentThread __in HANDLE hThread .. IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 __in DWORD MachineType GetCurrentProcess __in HANDLE hProcess GetCurrentThread __in HANDLE hThread..

Prevent user process from being killed with “End Process” from Process Explorer


in code static const bool ProtectProcess HANDLE hProcess GetCurrentProcess EXPLICIT_ACCESS denyAccess 0 DWORD dwAccessPermissions GENERIC_WRITE..

How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process?


PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX pmc GetProcessMemoryInfo GetCurrentProcess &pmc sizeof pmc SIZE_T virtualMemUsedByMe pmc.PrivateUsage Total.. &ftime memcpy &lastCPU &ftime sizeof FILETIME self GetCurrentProcess GetProcessTimes self &ftime &ftime &fsys &fuser memcpy &lastSysCPU..

How can I get a process handle by its name in C++?


hToken LUID luid TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tkp OpenProcessToken GetCurrentProcess TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES TOKEN_QUERY hToken LookupPrivilegeValue..

How can I hook Windows functions in C/C++?


hToken LUID luid TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tkp OpenProcessToken GetCurrentProcess TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES TOKEN_QUERY hToken LookupPrivilegeValue..

Delphi problems converting VirtualProtect EAT hook routines from C to Delphi


HMODULE hModule DWORD sizeNeeded if 0 EnumProcessModules GetCurrentProcess hModule sizeof hModule sizeNeeded MessageBox 0 EnumProcessModules..