

c++ Programming Glossary: getarea

C++ vector sorting with my own Function


const VehicleTwoD a const VehicleTwoD b return a.getArea b.getArea Error was VehicleTwoD has no member named getArea... const VehicleTwoD a const VehicleTwoD b return a.getArea b.getArea Error was VehicleTwoD has no member named getArea. It is located.. b.getArea Error was VehicleTwoD has no member named getArea. It is located in my child Car Lorry and double area is also..

creating ruby C++ extension


Circle public Circle float radius _radius radius float getArea return 3.14159 _radius _radius private float _radius CPP file... x NUM2DBL y Circle cir new Circle x return DBL2NUM cir getArea extern C void Init_Test VALUE lemon rb_define_module Test rb_define_method..

Virtual Functions and Performance C++


timeval a b gettimeofday a 0 for iterations 0 iterations t.getArea gettimeofday b 0 return b.tv_sec unsigned int 1e6 b.tv_usec.. Regular size_t w size_t h _width w _height h size_t getArea const size_t _width size_t _height The following line in another.. another translation unit to avoid inlining size_t Regular getArea const return _width _height struct Base Base size_t w size_t..