

c++ Programming Glossary: nologo

Qt - Error 2 at compile time


step. 16 50 24 Starting C QtSDK QtCreator bin jom.exe cl c nologo Zm200 Zc wchar_t Zi MDd GR EHsc W3 w34100 w34189 DUNICODE DWIN32.. @C DOCUME~1 dfuser IMPOST~1 Temp main.obj.1464.0.jom cl c nologo Zm200 Zc wchar_t Zi MDd GR EHsc W3 w34100 w34189 DUNICODE DWIN32..

Why is there a performance warning on cast pointer to bool?


. The example given to Microsoft is cat n t.cpp cl c W3 O2 nologo Fa t.cpp 1 bool f1 int i 2 3 return i 2 4 5 6 bool f2 int i..

How to separate CUDA code into multiple files


x86 Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 VC bin Xcompiler EHsc W3 nologo O2 Zi MT maxrregcount 32 compile o x64 Debug KernelSupport.cu.obj..

How do I get projects to place their build output into the same directory with Scons?


'uuid.lib' 'odbc32.lib' 'odbccp32.lib' LINKFLAGS ' nologo subsystem console incremental yes debug machine I386' # #.. 'WXUSINGDLL' '__WXDEBUG__' CCFLAGS ' W4 EHsc RTC1 MDd nologo Zi TP errorReport prompt' env.Decider 'MD5 timestamp' # For..

Boost.Thread throws bad_alloc exception in VS2010


I I SophisPal boost 1_43_0 vc10 32 include boost 1_43 Zi nologo W3 WX O2 Oi Oy GL D WIN32 D NDEBUG D _CONSOLE D _UNICODE D UNICODE..

Why/when is __declspec( dllimport ) not needed?


stdafx.h Fp Debug server.pch Fo Debug Fd Debug vc80.pdb W3 nologo c Wp64 ZI TP errorReport prompt cl.exe OUT U libs Debug server.dll..

Unit test compile-time error


Foo int main Foo f 12 return 0 passtest.bat @echo off cl nologo 1 NUL if errorlevel 0 goto pass @echo 1 FAILED pass failtest.bat.. 0 goto pass @echo 1 FAILED pass failtest.bat @echo off cl nologo 1 NUL if not errorlevel 0 goto pass @echo 1 FAILED pass Note..

How to show command line build options in Visual C++ 2008?


FD EHsc RTC1 MDd Zc wchar_t Fo Debug Fd Debug vc90.pdb nologo c ZI TP errorReport prompt .... Like a C# project will do. ..