

c++ Programming Glossary: scenes

How does boost bind work behind the scenes in general?


does boost bind work behind the scenes in general Without spending a long time reviewing the boost..

C++: When (and how) are C++ Global Static Constructors Called?


to know so I can understand what's happening behind the scenes as my code is loaded executed and then unloaded at runtime...

C++ try/throw/catch => machine code


I've always wondered how try throw catch looks behind the scenes when the C compiles translates it to assembler. But since I..

what is auto_ptr_ref, what it achieves and how it achieves it


It's kind of a weird little dance that happens behind the scenes because auto_ptr modifies the thing being copied from. Random..

g++ undefined reference to typeinfo


Bonus points if you can explain what's going on behind the scenes. c linker g share improve this question This particular..

How do exceptions work (behind the scenes) in c++


do exceptions work behind the scenes in c I keep seeing people say that exceptions are slow but.. of the executable . All the work is done behind the scenes by the standard library based on these tables _ZTI11MyException..

Windows threading: _beginthread vs _beginthreadex vs CreateThread C++


C runtime library calls that call CreateThread behind the scenes. Once CreateThread has returned _beginthread ex takes care of..

“Step over” when debugging multithreaded programs in Visual Studio


simple macros. When you step over the debugger behind the scenes sets a breakpoint runs to that breakpoint and then removes it...

Video Stabilization with OpenCV


But you should try it out could be super pleasing for some scenes movements as well. To my knowledge at least several free video..

How to create a boost ssl iostream?


to it will get written into the ssl_stream behind the scenes. Iostreams has built in buffering so some degree of buffering..

std::wstring VS std::string


that like GTK or QT ... . The fact is that behind the scenes Windows works with wchar_t strings so even historical applications..

C#-like properties in native C++?


real get and set functions which are emitted behind the scenes in fact they are more than syntactic sugar because properties..

std::vector versus std::array in C++


all the work of moving the following elements behind the scenes . Since it stores the elements in memory allocated on the heap..

Function signature-like expressions as C++ template arguments


to take in the function itself. It gets casted behind the scenes. As for your second question why it's illegal to have the same..

std::vector, default construction, C++11 and breaking changes


vector size_t n const T x T const A a A ... Under the scenes only one S object gets default constructed the n elements of..

C++ constructor syntax


or is the second one doing more implicit things behind the scenes if so what myClass x 3 myClass x myClass 3 Thanks c constructor..

Why doesn't java have pointers? [closed]


Java still uses memory locations it's just behind the scenes where you can't see or access it to my knowledge there probably..

Type of integer literals not int by default?


behaviour Or is something different going on behind the scenes like UB due to overflow is integer overflow actually UB Some..

fork() and output


I'm guessing that the child process is rerun behind the scenes and the output buffer is shared between the processes or something..