

c++ Programming Glossary: screentoclient

OpenGL two different 3d rendering picture control on single MFC dialog not working


CRect rect GetDlgItem IDC_STATIC_GL GetWindowRect rect ScreenToClient rect Convert screen coordinates to client coordinates m_WinGL.oglCreate.. to render GetDlgItem IDC_STATIC_GL2 GetWindowRect rect ScreenToClient rect Convert screen coordinates to client coordinates m_WinGL2.oglCreate..

c++ using too much cpu


hits if Enemie1.pEnemie1 550 POINT pt GetCursorPos pt ScreenToClient hWnd pt for long index 0 index long Enemie1.vS1Enemie1.size.. EndPaint hWnd ps break case WM_LBUTTONDOWN GetCursorPos pt ScreenToClient hWnd pt if conno 1 conno else pt.x 18 conno vRegularShots.push_back.. hWnd rect false break case LBUTTONDOWN_ID GetCursorPos pt ScreenToClient hWnd pt if conno 1 if cursor 0 conno else if cursor 1..

Get Current Cursor Position


the cursor position relative to screen coordinates. Call ScreenToClient to map to window coordinates. if ScreenToClient hwnd p p.x and.. Call ScreenToClient to map to window coordinates. if ScreenToClient hwnd p p.x and p.y are now relative to hwnd's client area You..