

c++ Programming Glossary: schaub

Should (in C++11) std::vector::resize(size_type) work for the default constructible value_type int[4]?


Args ... which is valid for array types as @Johannes Schaub litb points out array types can be initialised with zero pack..

Is it possible to invoke a user-defined conversion function via list-initialization?


gone through all that I've found a discussion by Johannes Schaub that confirms this analysis This is intended to factor out the..

What is the difference between a definition and a declaration?


forms of class declarations in C . Thanks to litb Johannes Schaub who dug out the actual chapter and verse in one of his answers...

Does initialization entail lvalue-to-rvalue conversion? Is `int x = x;` UB?


evidence is found in 4 8 as pointed out by Johannes Schaub in the comments to linked Q A There are some contexts where..

A positive lambda: '+[]{}' - What sorcery is this? [duplicate]


was answered and all seemed fine. Then came Johannes Schaub and made an interesting observation If you put a before the..

what is/are the purpose(s) of inline?


the purpose s of inline I had a discussion with Johannes Schaub regarding the keyword inline . The code there was this namespace..

Use of typename keyword with typedef and new


and new EDIT after reading this response from Johannes Schaub typedef NOT followed by a type int typedef A This syntax asks..

Why 'this' is a pointer and not a reference?


const pointer after array to pointer conversion Johannes Schaub litb Dec 22 '08 at 1 56 That only shows that it doesn't use.. T const . but the pointer itself is nonconst Johannes Schaub litb Dec 22 '08 at 17 53 think of this like this #define this.. is no such macro but it can help understand it Johannes Schaub litb Dec 22 '08 at 17 55 My question is why this is a pointer..

Understanding the meaning of the term and the concept - RAII (Resource Acquisition is Initialization)


just a sample but turned out incorrect. Thanks Johannes Schaub for pointing out and FredOverflow for turning it into a correct..

Why can't variables defined in a conditional be constructed with arguments?


isn't really any motivation to do so now. As Johannes Schaub points out this change would break existing code so it's pretty..