

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:07

iphone Programming Glossary: twist

Gyroscope vs Accelerometer?


see a change in rotation. An accelerometer only provides the force along the X Y and Z vectors and cannot solve for twist . By using both sensors you can often implement what is referred to as a 6DOF degrees of freedom inertial system or dead..

How can I replicate the trashing animation of Mail.app


share improve this question Use the suckEffect type on an animation. Also spewEffect genieEffect unGenieEffect twist tubey swirl cameraIris cameraIrisHollowClose cameraIrisHollowOpen rippleEffect charminUltra zoomyIn and zoomyOut. Doesn't..

How to write a REST API?


is complete within itself How To Write A Simple PHP MySQL Web Service for an iOS App and the second one has a little twist to it. It used parse.com on the backend and AFNetworking. Both of which are quite excellent. How To Synchronize Core Data..

NSMutableString as retain/copy


@property nonatomic retain NSMutableString str1 ` you may use the default synthesized implementation. but there's a twist when declaring @property nonatomic copy NSMutableString str1 ` you should not use the default synthesized implementation...

AESCrypt decryption between iOS and PHP


î jm¾ìSh^ ¢rBÿ mcrypt_rijndael_128 ¯ å«Ž ás2 u mcrypt_rijndael_128 hex2bin U ± úy´e Sadly no matter how I bend and twist this I just get jibberish. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong php iphone ios encryption share improve this question..

Are there any third-party libraries to do cool view transitions in iPhone OS?


kCATransitionMoveIn kCATransitionReveal @ suckEffect @ spewEffect @ genieEffect @ unGenieEffect @ rippleEffect @ twist @ tubey @ swirl @ charminUltra @ zoomyIn @ zoomyOut The transition types available via UIView setAnimationTransition forView..