

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:08

iphone Programming Glossary: twrequest

Retweet, reply and favorite in iOS 5 Twitter with the Accounts framework


@ http api.twitter.com 1 statuses retweet @.json message.identifier NSURL retweetURL NSURL URLWithString retweetString TWRequest request TWRequest alloc initWithURL retweetURL parameters nil requestMethod TWRequestMethodPOST request.account _usedAccount.. 1 statuses retweet @.json message.identifier NSURL retweetURL NSURL URLWithString retweetString TWRequest request TWRequest alloc initWithURL retweetURL parameters nil requestMethod TWRequestMethodPOST request.account _usedAccount request performRequestWithHandler.. URLWithString retweetString TWRequest request TWRequest alloc initWithURL retweetURL parameters nil requestMethod TWRequestMethodPOST request.account _usedAccount request performRequestWithHandler ^ NSData responseData NSHTTPURLResponse urlResponse..

Open Twitter Setting from ACAccountStore (iOS 5.1 TWITTER)


example uses version 1 of the Twitter API. This may need to be changed to whichever version is currently appropriate. TWRequest postRequest TWRequest alloc initWithURL url parameters nil requestMethod TWRequestMethodPOST Set the account used to post.. of the Twitter API. This may need to be changed to whichever version is currently appropriate. TWRequest postRequest TWRequest alloc initWithURL url parameters nil requestMethod TWRequestMethodPOST Set the account used to post the tweet. postRequest.. version is currently appropriate. TWRequest postRequest TWRequest alloc initWithURL url parameters nil requestMethod TWRequestMethodPOST Set the account used to post the tweet. postRequest setAccount twitterAccount Perform the request created above..

iPhone- Twitter API GET Users Followers/Following


NSDictionary parameters NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys account.username @ screen_name nil Setup the request TWRequest twitterRequest TWRequest alloc initWithURL followingURL parameters parameters requestMethod TWRequestMethodGET This.. dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys account.username @ screen_name nil Setup the request TWRequest twitterRequest TWRequest alloc initWithURL followingURL parameters parameters requestMethod TWRequestMethodGET This is important Set the account.. the request TWRequest twitterRequest TWRequest alloc initWithURL followingURL parameters parameters requestMethod TWRequestMethodGET This is important Set the account for the request so we can do an authenticated request. Without this you cannot..

Trying to “follow” someone on Twitter using new iOS 5 API, getting 406 return error. Why?


alloc init tempDict setValue @ sortitapps forKey @ screen_name tempDict setValue @ true forKey @ follow TWRequest postRequest TWRequest alloc initWithURL NSURL URLWithString @ http api.twitter.com 1 friendships create.format parameters.. tempDict setValue @ sortitapps forKey @ screen_name tempDict setValue @ true forKey @ follow TWRequest postRequest TWRequest alloc initWithURL NSURL URLWithString @ http api.twitter.com 1 friendships create.format parameters tempDict requestMethod.. NSURL URLWithString @ http api.twitter.com 1 friendships create.format parameters tempDict requestMethod TWRequestMethodPOST postRequest setAccount twitterAccount postRequest performRequestWithHandler ^ NSData responseData NSHTTPURLResponse..

iOS 5 Attach photo to Twitter with Twitter API


5 Attach photo to Twitter with Twitter API Is there any way to add a photo to Twitter timeline using TWRequest or anything like so I'm very very lost in this case. I can post a status update using TWRequest for iOS5 and MGTwitterEngine.. Twitter timeline using TWRequest or anything like so I'm very very lost in this case. I can post a status update using TWRequest for iOS5 and MGTwitterEngine for previous iOS version but I'm not able to attach a UIImage to the update. Thanks in advance.. back Elaborating on Noah's answer this is the final code that worked for me to get an image and text on a tweet using TWRequest... TWRequest postRequest TWRequest alloc initWithURL NSURL URLWithString @ https upload.twitter.com 1 statuses update_with_media.json..

Obj-C: __block variables


thing to call NSURL url NSURL URLWithString @ http api.twitter.com 1 statuses home_timeline.json create request TWRequest request TWRequest alloc initWithURL url parameters params requestMethod TWRequestMethodGET attach account info request.. url NSURL URLWithString @ http api.twitter.com 1 statuses home_timeline.json create request TWRequest request TWRequest alloc initWithURL url parameters params requestMethod TWRequestMethodGET attach account info request setAccount account.. create request TWRequest request TWRequest alloc initWithURL url parameters params requestMethod TWRequestMethodGET attach account info request setAccount account request performRequestWithHandler ^ NSData responseData NSHTTPURLResponse..

Get twitter Follower in IOS 5


in to my table. Please give me guideline. Thanks iphone ios share improve this question You would create a TWRequest for http api.twitter.com 1 followers ids.format as documented on https dev.twitter.com docs ios making api requests twrequest..