

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:08

iphone Programming Glossary: type

How to add a breakpoint to objc_exception_throw?


under the Breakpoint column with the text Double Click for symbol . Single click in this box and type in objc_exception_throw . Then single click in the space next to objc_exception_throw under the location.. in the space next to objc_exception_throw under the location column. A box will appear for you to type in the location in this case libobjc.A.dylib . I've made a screenshot that will hopefully help share..

Add UIPickerView & a Button in Action sheet - How?


with a required method itemSelectedatRow and a weak property called delegate of type id SimpleTableViewControllerDelegate . This is how we will pass the selection back to the parent controller...

Reading ePub format


the EPUB is invalid using TBXML linked above 5 In this XML find the first rootfile with media type application oebps package xml . This is the OPF file for the book. 6 parse the OPF file also XML 7 now..

How do I detect when someone shakes an iPhone?


can use in any UIView to get shake events @implementation ShakingView void motionEnded UIEventSubtype motion withEvent UIEvent event if event.subtype UIEventSubtypeMotionShake Put in code here to handle.. ShakingView void motionEnded UIEventSubtype motion withEvent UIEvent event if event.subtype UIEventSubtypeMotionShake Put in code here to handle shake if super respondsToSelector @selector motionEnded.. void motionEnded UIEventSubtype motion withEvent UIEvent event if event.subtype UIEventSubtypeMotionShake Put in code here to handle shake if super respondsToSelector @selector motionEnded withEvent..

How to access SOAP services from iPhone


party and they only expose it as SOAP it's unfortunately not an option to switch to another type of interface e.g. REST based API . Gero iphone ios web services soap wsdl share improve this question..

How do I associate file types with an iPhone application?


do I associate file types with an iPhone application On the subject of associating your iPhone app with file types. In this.. file types with an iPhone application On the subject of associating your iPhone app with file types. In this informative question I learned that apps could be associated with custom URL protocols. That.. introduced 'Document Support' which goes a step further and allows apps to associate with file types. There is a lot of talk in the documentation about how to set up your app to launch other appropriate..

Build fat static library (device + simulator) using Xcode and SDK 4+


phase that comes AFTER THE FIRST ONE copy paste the code below Create a new Target in Xcode of type bundle In your MAIN PROJECT in Build Phases add the new bundle as something it depends on top section..

How do I export UIImage array as a movie?


a look at AVAssetWriter and the rest of the AVFoundation framework . The writer has an input of type AVAssetWriterInput which in turn has a method called appendSampleBuffer that lets you add individual..

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar


sectionInfo atIndex NSUInteger sectionIndex forChangeType NSFetchedResultsChangeType type UITableView tableView controller self.fetchedResultsController self.tableView self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView.. self.tableView self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView switch type case NSFetchedResultsChangeInsert tableView insertSections NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex sectionIndex.. id anObject atIndexPath NSIndexPath theIndexPath forChangeType NSFetchedResultsChangeType type newIndexPath NSIndexPath newIndexPath UITableView tableView controller self.fetchedResultsController..

How do I create delegates in Objective-C?


methods here @end This is analogous to an interface or abstract base class as it creates a special type for your delegate NSWindowNotifications in this case. Delegate implementors would have to adopt this..

performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown


directly with the runtime API as well . These function pointers are called IMP s and are simple typedef ed function pointers id IMP id SEL ... 1 . This may be close to the actual method signature of the.. tells the compiler that you know what you're doing and not to generate a warning since the pointer types don't match . Finally you call the function pointer. Complex Example When the selector takes arguments.. void int char NSString id etc. ARC normally gets this information from the header of the object type you're working with. 2 There are really only 4 things that ARC would consider for the return value 3..

iPhone Data Usage Tracking/Monitoring


before marking this as DUPLICATE and not just by the subject. NSArray getDataCountersForType int type BOOL success struct ifaddrs addrs nil const struct ifaddrs cursor nil const struct sockaddr_dl dlAddr.. const struct sockaddr_dl cursor ifa_addr networkStatisc const struct if_data cursor ifa_data if type WiFi dataSent networkStatisc ifi_opackets dataReceived networkStatisc ifi_ipackets else if type.. WiFi dataSent networkStatisc ifi_opackets dataReceived networkStatisc ifi_ipackets else if type WWAN dataSent networkStatisc ifi_obytes dataReceived networkStatisc ifi_ibytes cursor cursor ifa_next..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


NSString stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundry forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type NSMutableData postData NSMutableData dataWithCapacity data length 512 postData appendData NSString stringWithFormat..

Upload File to FTP Server on iPhone


POST NSString boundary NSString stringWithString @ 14737809831466499882746641449 NSString contentType NSString stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundary request addValue contentType forHTTPHeaderField.. NSString stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundary request addValue contentType forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type NSMutableData body NSMutableData data body appendData NSString stringWithFormat.. multipart form data boundary @ boundary request addValue contentType forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type NSMutableData body NSMutableData data body appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundary..

iOS crash reports: atos not working as expected


expected I'm looking at a crash report provided by Apple Hardware Model iPhone4 1 Version Code Type ARM Native Parent Process launchd 1 Date Time 2012 11 18 16 03 44.951 0600 OS Version iOS 6.0.1 10A523.. 1 Date Time 2012 11 18 16 03 44.951 0600 OS Version iOS 6.0.1 10A523 Report Version 104 Exception Type EXC_BAD_ACCESS SIGSEGV Exception Codes KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x51fe5264 Crashed Thread 0 Thread 0..

Changing my CALayer's anchorPoint moves the view


center point f f self.layer.position.x self.layer.position.y The output is 2009 12 27 20 43 24.161 Type 11289 207 center point 272.500000 242.500000 2009 12 27 20 43 24.162 Type 11289 207 center point 272.500000.. 2009 12 27 20 43 24.161 Type 11289 207 center point 272.500000 242.500000 2009 12 27 20 43 24.162 Type 11289 207 center point 272.500000 242.500000 iphone cocoa cocoa touch uiview share improve this question..

iPhone sending POST with NSURLConnection


bytes mydata Hello 20World If you want to send XML Data you need to set a different HTTP Content Type. E.g. you might set application xml charset utf 8 If you set no HTTP Content Type the default type application.. HTTP Content Type. E.g. you might set application xml charset utf 8 If you set no HTTP Content Type the default type application x www form urlencoded will be used. And this type expects the POST data.. the same format as it would have in a GET request. However if you set a different HTTP Content Type like application xml then this data is not added to the _POST array in PHP. You will have to read the..

Universal iPhone/iPad application debug compilation error for iPhone testing


go to the General tab. At the bottom of that tab should be a list of frameworks with a column for Type. Change the Type for UIKit from Required to Weak and rebuild your application. That should take care.. tab. At the bottom of that tab should be a list of frameworks with a column for Type. Change the Type for UIKit from Required to Weak and rebuild your application. That should take care of the runtime errors...

How do I associate file types with an iPhone application?


support you will need to have something like the following in your Info.plist key CFBundleDocumentTypes key array dict key CFBundleTypeIconFiles key array string Document molecules 320.png string string.. like the following in your Info.plist key CFBundleDocumentTypes key array dict key CFBundleTypeIconFiles key array string Document molecules 320.png string string Document molecules 64.png string.. string Document molecules 320.png string string Document molecules 64.png string array key CFBundleTypeName key string Molecules Structure File string key CFBundleTypeRole key string Viewer string key LSHandlerRank..

iPhone App Minus App Store?


menu select Certificate Assistant then Create a Certificate. Name iPhone Developer Certificate Type Code Signing Let me override defaults Yes Click Continue Validity 3650 days Click Continue Blank out..

How to send json data in the Http request using NSURLRequest


json forHTTPHeaderField @ Accept request setValue @ application json forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type request setValue NSString stringWithFormat @ d requestData length forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Length..

File Upload to HTTP server in iphone programming


request setHTTPMethod @ POST NSString boundary @ 14737809831466499882746641449 NSString contentType NSString stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundary request addValue contentType forHTTPHeaderField.. NSString stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundary request addValue contentType forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type NSMutableData postbody NSMutableData data postbody appendData NSString.. multipart form data boundary @ boundary request addValue contentType forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type NSMutableData postbody NSMutableData data postbody appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n..

Consume WCF Web Service using Objective-C on iPhone


@ d soapMessage length theRequest addValue @ text xml charset utf 8 forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type theRequest addValue @ http tempuri.org IService1 Login forHTTPHeaderField @ Soapaction theRequest addValue..

How to add a breakpoint to objc_exception_throw?


in the left hand menu. There should be a box on the right under the Breakpoint column with the text Double Click for symbol . Single click in this box and type in objc_exception_throw . Then single click in the space next to objc_exception_throw under the location column. A box will appear for you to type in the location..

Add UIPickerView & a Button in Action sheet - How?


create a protocol SimpleTableViewControllerDelegate with a required method itemSelectedatRow and a weak property called delegate of type id SimpleTableViewControllerDelegate . This is how we will pass the selection back to the parent controller. In SimpleTableViewController.m implement the tableview..

Reading ePub format


XML file at META INF container.xml if this file doesn't exist the EPUB is invalid using TBXML linked above 5 In this XML find the first rootfile with media type application oebps package xml . This is the OPF file for the book. 6 parse the OPF file also XML 7 now you need to know what the first chapter of the book is. a..

How do I detect when someone shakes an iPhone?


to receive the shake event messages. Here's the code that you can use in any UIView to get shake events @implementation ShakingView void motionEnded UIEventSubtype motion withEvent UIEvent event if event.subtype UIEventSubtypeMotionShake Put in code here to handle shake if super respondsToSelector @selector motionEnded withEvent.. code that you can use in any UIView to get shake events @implementation ShakingView void motionEnded UIEventSubtype motion withEvent UIEvent event if event.subtype UIEventSubtypeMotionShake Put in code here to handle shake if super respondsToSelector @selector motionEnded withEvent super motionEnded motion withEvent event.. use in any UIView to get shake events @implementation ShakingView void motionEnded UIEventSubtype motion withEvent UIEvent event if event.subtype UIEventSubtypeMotionShake Put in code here to handle shake if super respondsToSelector @selector motionEnded withEvent super motionEnded motion withEvent event BOOL canBecomeFirstResponder..

How to access SOAP services from iPhone


services Since the service I need to access is exposed by another party and they only expose it as SOAP it's unfortunately not an option to switch to another type of interface e.g. REST based API . Gero iphone ios web services soap wsdl share improve this question One word Don't. OK obviously that isn't a real answer...

How do I associate file types with an iPhone application?


do I associate file types with an iPhone application On the subject of associating your iPhone app with file types. In this informative question I learned that apps could be associated.. do I associate file types with an iPhone application On the subject of associating your iPhone app with file types. In this informative question I learned that apps could be associated with custom URL protocols. That was almost one year ago and since then Apple introduced 'Document.. protocols. That was almost one year ago and since then Apple introduced 'Document Support' which goes a step further and allows apps to associate with file types. There is a lot of talk in the documentation about how to set up your app to launch other appropriate apps when it encounters an unknown file type. This means..

Build fat static library (device + simulator) using Xcode and SDK 4+


etc Do everything above check it works Create a new Run Script phase that comes AFTER THE FIRST ONE copy paste the code below Create a new Target in Xcode of type bundle In your MAIN PROJECT in Build Phases add the new bundle as something it depends on top section hit the plus button scroll to bottom find the .bundle file..

How do I export UIImage array as a movie?


uiimage avfoundation share improve this question Take a look at AVAssetWriter and the rest of the AVFoundation framework . The writer has an input of type AVAssetWriterInput which in turn has a method called appendSampleBuffer that lets you add individual frames to a video stream. Essentially you ™ll have to 1 Wire..

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar


controller didChangeSection id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo atIndex NSUInteger sectionIndex forChangeType NSFetchedResultsChangeType type UITableView tableView controller self.fetchedResultsController self.tableView self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView switch type case NSFetchedResultsChangeInsert.. type UITableView tableView controller self.fetchedResultsController self.tableView self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView switch type case NSFetchedResultsChangeInsert tableView insertSections NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex sectionIndex withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationFade break case NSFetchedResultsChangeDelete.. controller NSFetchedResultsController controller didChangeObject id anObject atIndexPath NSIndexPath theIndexPath forChangeType NSFetchedResultsChangeType type newIndexPath NSIndexPath newIndexPath UITableView tableView controller self.fetchedResultsController self.tableView self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView..

How do I create delegates in Objective-C?


void windowDidMove NSNotification notification ... other methods here @end This is analogous to an interface or abstract base class as it creates a special type for your delegate NSWindowNotifications in this case. Delegate implementors would have to adopt this protocol @interface MyDelegate NSWindowNotifications ... @end..

performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown


lower level Objective C runtime methods so you could do this directly with the runtime API as well . These function pointers are called IMP s and are simple typedef ed function pointers id IMP id SEL ... 1 . This may be close to the actual method signature of the method but will not always match exactly. Once you have the.. in the third line the void on the right hand side simply tells the compiler that you know what you're doing and not to generate a warning since the pointer types don't match . Finally you call the function pointer. Complex Example When the selector takes arguments or returns a value you'll have to change things a bit SEL.. of the method you're calling. The result could be anything void int char NSString id etc. ARC normally gets this information from the header of the object type you're working with. 2 There are really only 4 things that ARC would consider for the return value 3 Ignore non object types void int etc Retain object value then..

iPhone Data Usage Tracking/Monitoring


compare the details shared in this post with other posts before marking this as DUPLICATE and not just by the subject. NSArray getDataCountersForType int type BOOL success struct ifaddrs addrs nil const struct ifaddrs cursor nil const struct sockaddr_dl dlAddr nil const struct if_data networkStatisc nil int dataSent 0.. cursor NULL if cursor ifa_addr sa_family AF_LINK dlAddr const struct sockaddr_dl cursor ifa_addr networkStatisc const struct if_data cursor ifa_data if type WiFi dataSent networkStatisc ifi_opackets dataReceived networkStatisc ifi_ipackets else if type WWAN dataSent networkStatisc ifi_obytes dataReceived networkStatisc.. networkStatisc const struct if_data cursor ifa_data if type WiFi dataSent networkStatisc ifi_opackets dataReceived networkStatisc ifi_ipackets else if type WWAN dataSent networkStatisc ifi_obytes dataReceived networkStatisc ifi_ibytes cursor cursor ifa_next freeifaddrs addrs return NSArray arrayWithObjects NSNumber..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


url urlRequest setHTTPMethod @ POST urlRequest setValue NSString stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundry forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type NSMutableData postData NSMutableData dataWithCapacity data length 512 postData appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ @ r n boundry dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding..

Upload File to FTP Server on iPhone


setURL NSURL URLWithString urlString request setHTTPMethod @ POST NSString boundary NSString stringWithString @ 14737809831466499882746641449 NSString contentType NSString stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundary request addValue contentType forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type NSMutableData body NSMutableData.. @ 14737809831466499882746641449 NSString contentType NSString stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundary request addValue contentType forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type NSMutableData body NSMutableData data body appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundary dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding.. NSString contentType NSString stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundary request addValue contentType forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type NSMutableData body NSMutableData data body appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundary dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding body appendData NSString..

iOS crash reports: atos not working as expected


crash reports atos not working as expected I'm looking at a crash report provided by Apple Hardware Model iPhone4 1 Version Code Type ARM Native Parent Process launchd 1 Date Time 2012 11 18 16 03 44.951 0600 OS Version iOS 6.0.1 10A523 Report Version 104 Exception Type EXC_BAD_ACCESS SIGSEGV.. 1 Version Code Type ARM Native Parent Process launchd 1 Date Time 2012 11 18 16 03 44.951 0600 OS Version iOS 6.0.1 10A523 Report Version 104 Exception Type EXC_BAD_ACCESS SIGSEGV Exception Codes KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x51fe5264 Crashed Thread 0 Thread 0 name Dispatch queue com.apple.main thread Thread 0 Crashed 0..

Changing my CALayer's anchorPoint moves the view


self.layer.anchorPoint CGPointMake 1 1 NSLog @ center point f f self.layer.position.x self.layer.position.y The output is 2009 12 27 20 43 24.161 Type 11289 207 center point 272.500000 242.500000 2009 12 27 20 43 24.162 Type 11289 207 center point 272.500000 242.500000 iphone cocoa cocoa touch uiview share.. f self.layer.position.x self.layer.position.y The output is 2009 12 27 20 43 24.161 Type 11289 207 center point 272.500000 242.500000 2009 12 27 20 43 24.162 Type 11289 207 center point 272.500000 242.500000 iphone cocoa cocoa touch uiview share improve this question The Layer Geometry and Transforms section of the Core..

iPhone sending POST with NSURLConnection


in the _POST array of PHP it should look like this const char bytes mydata Hello 20World If you want to send XML Data you need to set a different HTTP Content Type. E.g. you might set application xml charset utf 8 If you set no HTTP Content Type the default type application x www form urlencoded will be used. And this type.. If you want to send XML Data you need to set a different HTTP Content Type. E.g. you might set application xml charset utf 8 If you set no HTTP Content Type the default type application x www form urlencoded will be used. And this type expects the POST data to have the same format as it would have in a GET request... will be used. And this type expects the POST data to have the same format as it would have in a GET request. However if you set a different HTTP Content Type like application xml then this data is not added to the _POST array in PHP. You will have to read the raw from the input stream. Try this NSString str NSString..

Universal iPhone/iPad application debug compilation error for iPhone testing


find your application target in Xcode inspect it and go to the General tab. At the bottom of that tab should be a list of frameworks with a column for Type. Change the Type for UIKit from Required to Weak and rebuild your application. That should take care of the runtime errors. Your conditional logic is sound but.. application target in Xcode inspect it and go to the General tab. At the bottom of that tab should be a list of frameworks with a column for Type. Change the Type for UIKit from Required to Weak and rebuild your application. That should take care of the runtime errors. Your conditional logic is sound but I tend to share an..

How do I associate file types with an iPhone application?


via email or in another supported application. To register support you will need to have something like the following in your Info.plist key CFBundleDocumentTypes key array dict key CFBundleTypeIconFiles key array string Document molecules 320.png string string Document molecules 64.png string array key CFBundleTypeName.. application. To register support you will need to have something like the following in your Info.plist key CFBundleDocumentTypes key array dict key CFBundleTypeIconFiles key array string Document molecules 320.png string string Document molecules 64.png string array key CFBundleTypeName key string Molecules Structure File.. key array dict key CFBundleTypeIconFiles key array string Document molecules 320.png string string Document molecules 64.png string array key CFBundleTypeName key string Molecules Structure File string key CFBundleTypeRole key string Viewer string key LSHandlerRank key string Owner string key LSItemContentTypes key..

iPhone App Minus App Store?


Keychain Access.app. With no items selected from the Keychain menu select Certificate Assistant then Create a Certificate. Name iPhone Developer Certificate Type Code Signing Let me override defaults Yes Click Continue Validity 3650 days Click Continue Blank out the Email address field. Click Continue until complete. You..

How to send json data in the Http request using NSURLRequest


request setHTTPMethod @ POST request setValue @ application json forHTTPHeaderField @ Accept request setValue @ application json forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type request setValue NSString stringWithFormat @ d requestData length forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Length request setHTTPBody requestData NSURLConnection connection..

File Upload to HTTP server in iphone programming


init autorelease request setURL NSURL URLWithString urlString request setHTTPMethod @ POST NSString boundary @ 14737809831466499882746641449 NSString contentType NSString stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundary request addValue contentType forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type NSMutableData postbody NSMutableData.. boundary @ 14737809831466499882746641449 NSString contentType NSString stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundary request addValue contentType forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type NSMutableData postbody NSMutableData data postbody appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundary dataUsingEncoding.. NSString contentType NSString stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundary request addValue contentType forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type NSMutableData postbody NSMutableData data postbody appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundary dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding postbody appendData..

Consume WCF Web Service using Objective-C on iPhone


url NSString msgLength NSString stringWithFormat @ d soapMessage length theRequest addValue @ text xml charset utf 8 forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type theRequest addValue @ http tempuri.org IService1 Login forHTTPHeaderField @ Soapaction theRequest addValue msgLength forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Length theRequest..

How to add a breakpoint to objc_exception_throw?


be a box on the right under the Breakpoint column with the text Double Click for symbol . Single click in this box and type in objc_exception_throw . Then single click in the space next to objc_exception_throw under the location column. A box will.. . Then single click in the space next to objc_exception_throw under the location column. A box will appear for you to type in the location in this case libobjc.A.dylib . I've made a screenshot that will hopefully help share improve this answer..

Add UIPickerView & a Button in Action sheet - How?


SimpleTableViewControllerDelegate with a required method itemSelectedatRow and a weak property called delegate of type id SimpleTableViewControllerDelegate . This is how we will pass the selection back to the parent controller. In SimpleTableViewController.m..

Reading ePub format


this file doesn't exist the EPUB is invalid using TBXML linked above 5 In this XML find the first rootfile with media type application oebps package xml . This is the OPF file for the book. 6 parse the OPF file also XML 7 now you need to know..

How do I detect when someone shakes an iPhone?


the code that you can use in any UIView to get shake events @implementation ShakingView void motionEnded UIEventSubtype motion withEvent UIEvent event if event.subtype UIEventSubtypeMotionShake Put in code here to handle shake if super respondsToSelector.. shake events @implementation ShakingView void motionEnded UIEventSubtype motion withEvent UIEvent event if event.subtype UIEventSubtypeMotionShake Put in code here to handle shake if super respondsToSelector @selector motionEnded withEvent.. @implementation ShakingView void motionEnded UIEventSubtype motion withEvent UIEvent event if event.subtype UIEventSubtypeMotionShake Put in code here to handle shake if super respondsToSelector @selector motionEnded withEvent super motionEnded..

How to access SOAP services from iPhone


is exposed by another party and they only expose it as SOAP it's unfortunately not an option to switch to another type of interface e.g. REST based API . Gero iphone ios web services soap wsdl share improve this question One word Don't...

How do I associate file types with an iPhone application?


do I associate file types with an iPhone application On the subject of associating your iPhone app with file types. In this informative question.. do I associate file types with an iPhone application On the subject of associating your iPhone app with file types. In this informative question I learned that apps could be associated with custom URL protocols. That was almost one year.. and since then Apple introduced 'Document Support' which goes a step further and allows apps to associate with file types. There is a lot of talk in the documentation about how to set up your app to launch other appropriate apps when it encounters..

Build fat static library (device + simulator) using Xcode and SDK 4+


Create a new Run Script phase that comes AFTER THE FIRST ONE copy paste the code below Create a new Target in Xcode of type bundle In your MAIN PROJECT in Build Phases add the new bundle as something it depends on top section hit the plus button..

How do I export UIImage array as a movie?


this question Take a look at AVAssetWriter and the rest of the AVFoundation framework . The writer has an input of type AVAssetWriterInput which in turn has a method called appendSampleBuffer that lets you add individual frames to a video stream...

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar


id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo sectionInfo atIndex NSUInteger sectionIndex forChangeType NSFetchedResultsChangeType type UITableView tableView controller self.fetchedResultsController self.tableView self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView.. controller self.fetchedResultsController self.tableView self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView switch type case NSFetchedResultsChangeInsert tableView insertSections NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex sectionIndex withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationFade.. controller didChangeObject id anObject atIndexPath NSIndexPath theIndexPath forChangeType NSFetchedResultsChangeType type newIndexPath NSIndexPath newIndexPath UITableView tableView controller self.fetchedResultsController self.tableView self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView..

How do I create delegates in Objective-C?


... other methods here @end This is analogous to an interface or abstract base class as it creates a special type for your delegate NSWindowNotifications in this case. Delegate implementors would have to adopt this protocol @interface..

performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown


so you could do this directly with the runtime API as well . These function pointers are called IMP s and are simple typedef ed function pointers id IMP id SEL ... 1 . This may be close to the actual method signature of the method but will not.. hand side simply tells the compiler that you know what you're doing and not to generate a warning since the pointer types don't match . Finally you call the function pointer. Complex Example When the selector takes arguments or returns a value.. could be anything void int char NSString id etc. ARC normally gets this information from the header of the object type you're working with. 2 There are really only 4 things that ARC would consider for the return value 3 Ignore non object types..

iPhone Data Usage Tracking/Monitoring


post with other posts before marking this as DUPLICATE and not just by the subject. NSArray getDataCountersForType int type BOOL success struct ifaddrs addrs nil const struct ifaddrs cursor nil const struct sockaddr_dl dlAddr nil const struct if_data.. AF_LINK dlAddr const struct sockaddr_dl cursor ifa_addr networkStatisc const struct if_data cursor ifa_data if type WiFi dataSent networkStatisc ifi_opackets dataReceived networkStatisc ifi_ipackets else if type WWAN dataSent networkStatisc.. ifa_data if type WiFi dataSent networkStatisc ifi_opackets dataReceived networkStatisc ifi_ipackets else if type WWAN dataSent networkStatisc ifi_obytes dataReceived networkStatisc ifi_ibytes cursor cursor ifa_next freeifaddrs..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


urlRequest setValue NSString stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundry forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type NSMutableData postData NSMutableData dataWithCapacity data length 512 postData appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ @..

Upload File to FTP Server on iPhone


setHTTPMethod @ POST NSString boundary NSString stringWithString @ 14737809831466499882746641449 NSString contentType NSString stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundary request addValue contentType forHTTPHeaderField @ Content.. NSString contentType NSString stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundary request addValue contentType forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type NSMutableData body NSMutableData data body appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n.. stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundary request addValue contentType forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type NSMutableData body NSMutableData data body appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundary dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding..

iOS crash reports: atos not working as expected


atos not working as expected I'm looking at a crash report provided by Apple Hardware Model iPhone4 1 Version Code Type ARM Native Parent Process launchd 1 Date Time 2012 11 18 16 03 44.951 0600 OS Version iOS 6.0.1 10A523 Report Version 104.. Process launchd 1 Date Time 2012 11 18 16 03 44.951 0600 OS Version iOS 6.0.1 10A523 Report Version 104 Exception Type EXC_BAD_ACCESS SIGSEGV Exception Codes KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x51fe5264 Crashed Thread 0 Thread 0 name Dispatch queue..

Changing my CALayer's anchorPoint moves the view


1 1 NSLog @ center point f f self.layer.position.x self.layer.position.y The output is 2009 12 27 20 43 24.161 Type 11289 207 center point 272.500000 242.500000 2009 12 27 20 43 24.162 Type 11289 207 center point 272.500000 242.500000 .. The output is 2009 12 27 20 43 24.161 Type 11289 207 center point 272.500000 242.500000 2009 12 27 20 43 24.162 Type 11289 207 center point 272.500000 242.500000 iphone cocoa cocoa touch uiview share improve this question The Layer..

iPhone sending POST with NSURLConnection


like this const char bytes mydata Hello 20World If you want to send XML Data you need to set a different HTTP Content Type. E.g. you might set application xml charset utf 8 If you set no HTTP Content Type the default type application x www form.. need to set a different HTTP Content Type. E.g. you might set application xml charset utf 8 If you set no HTTP Content Type the default type application x www form urlencoded will be used. And this type expects the POST data to have the same format.. the POST data to have the same format as it would have in a GET request. However if you set a different HTTP Content Type like application xml then this data is not added to the _POST array in PHP. You will have to read the raw from the input..

Universal iPhone/iPad application debug compilation error for iPhone testing


Xcode inspect it and go to the General tab. At the bottom of that tab should be a list of frameworks with a column for Type. Change the Type for UIKit from Required to Weak and rebuild your application. That should take care of the runtime errors... and go to the General tab. At the bottom of that tab should be a list of frameworks with a column for Type. Change the Type for UIKit from Required to Weak and rebuild your application. That should take care of the runtime errors. Your conditional..

How do I associate file types with an iPhone application?


To register support you will need to have something like the following in your Info.plist key CFBundleDocumentTypes key array dict key CFBundleTypeIconFiles key array string Document molecules 320.png string string Document molecules 64.png.. will need to have something like the following in your Info.plist key CFBundleDocumentTypes key array dict key CFBundleTypeIconFiles key array string Document molecules 320.png string string Document molecules 64.png string array key CFBundleTypeName.. key array string Document molecules 320.png string string Document molecules 64.png string array key CFBundleTypeName key string Molecules Structure File string key CFBundleTypeRole key string Viewer string key LSHandlerRank key string..

iPhone App Minus App Store?


from the Keychain menu select Certificate Assistant then Create a Certificate. Name iPhone Developer Certificate Type Code Signing Let me override defaults Yes Click Continue Validity 3650 days Click Continue Blank out the Email address field...

How to send json data in the Http request using NSURLRequest


@ application json forHTTPHeaderField @ Accept request setValue @ application json forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type request setValue NSString stringWithFormat @ d requestData length forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Length request setHTTPBody..

File Upload to HTTP server in iphone programming


urlString request setHTTPMethod @ POST NSString boundary @ 14737809831466499882746641449 NSString contentType NSString stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundary request addValue contentType forHTTPHeaderField @ Content.. NSString contentType NSString stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundary request addValue contentType forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type NSMutableData postbody NSMutableData data postbody appendData NSString stringWithFormat.. stringWithFormat @ multipart form data boundary @ boundary request addValue contentType forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type NSMutableData postbody NSMutableData data postbody appendData NSString stringWithFormat @ r n @ r n boundary dataUsingEncoding..

Consume WCF Web Service using Objective-C on iPhone


stringWithFormat @ d soapMessage length theRequest addValue @ text xml charset utf 8 forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type theRequest addValue @ http tempuri.org IService1 Login forHTTPHeaderField @ Soapaction theRequest addValue msgLength forHTTPHeaderField..

NSString with Unicode issue from Web Service


But I could not get the correct solution. Can someone please help me I have this data from a web service. KEY 1036 TYPE string VALUE French fran u00E7aise KEY 1032 TYPE string VALUE Greek u03B5 u03BB u03BB u03B7 u03BD u03B9 u03BA u03AC Does.. someone please help me I have this data from a web service. KEY 1036 TYPE string VALUE French fran u00E7aise KEY 1032 TYPE string VALUE Greek u03B5 u03BB u03BB u03B7 u03BD u03B9 u03BA u03AC Does anyone know how to print this Unicode string correctly..

Http Live Streaming for iPhone and why we use .m3u8 file


one .m3u8 . My m3u8 file is #EXTM3U #EXT X TARGETDURATION 10 #EXT X VERSION 4 #EXT X MEDIA SEQUENCE 0 #EXT X PLAYLIST TYPE VOD #EXT X I FRAMES ONLY #EXTINF 1.0117 #EXT X BYTERANGE 8084@376 fileSequence0.ts #EXTINF 1.0117 #EXT X BYTERANGE 7332@36096..

How to decrypt an encrypted Apple iTunes iPhone backup?


# http code.google.com p iphone dataprotection import struct CLASSKEY_TAGS CLAS WRAP WPKY KTYP PBKY #UUID KEYBAG_TYPES System Backup Escrow OTA icloud KEY_TYPES AES Curve25519 PROTECTION_CLASSES 1 NSFileProtectionComplete 2 NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen.. import struct CLASSKEY_TAGS CLAS WRAP WPKY KTYP PBKY #UUID KEYBAG_TYPES System Backup Escrow OTA icloud KEY_TYPES AES Curve25519 PROTECTION_CLASSES 1 NSFileProtectionComplete 2 NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen 3 NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication.. self data currentClassKey None for tag data in loopTLVBlocks data if len data 4 data struct.unpack L data 0 if tag TYPE self.type data if self.type 3 print FAIL keybag type 3 d self.type elif tag UUID and self.uuid is None self.uuid data..

Missing symbol names when profiling IPhone application with Instruments


the following Locate your dSYM file should be in ~ Library Developer DerivedData APP_NAME XXXXXXX Build Products BUILD_TYPE DEVICE TYPE With Instruments stopped click on File Re Symbolicate Document Scroll down to the entry with your app name Click.. Locate your dSYM file should be in ~ Library Developer DerivedData APP_NAME XXXXXXX Build Products BUILD_TYPE DEVICE TYPE With Instruments stopped click on File Re Symbolicate Document Scroll down to the entry with your app name Click Locate..

How to find out the modulus and exponent of RSA Public Key on iPhone/Objective C


you pretty easy NSData getPublicKeyExp NSData pk self getPublicKeyBits if pk NULL return NULL int iterator 0 iterator TYPE bit stream mod exp self derEncodingGetSizeFrom pk at iterator Total size iterator TYPE bit stream mod int mod_size self.. NULL int iterator 0 iterator TYPE bit stream mod exp self derEncodingGetSizeFrom pk at iterator Total size iterator TYPE bit stream mod int mod_size self derEncodingGetSizeFrom pk at iterator iterator mod_size iterator TYPE bit stream exp int.. size iterator TYPE bit stream mod int mod_size self derEncodingGetSizeFrom pk at iterator iterator mod_size iterator TYPE bit stream exp int exp_size self derEncodingGetSizeFrom pk at iterator return pk subdataWithRange NSMakeRange iterator exp_size..

Display flaw with HTML input type number on iPhone iOS/Safari
