

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:22

iphone Programming Glossary: uimodaltransitionstylepartialcurl

Iphone page curl effect


UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl not rotating


not rotating I've got a modal view controller that is being displayed using UIModalPresentationFullScreen with the TransitionStyle.. a modal view controller that is being displayed using UIModalPresentationFullScreen with the TransitionStyle set as UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl. This works beautifully. My problem is that when the device is rotated my view rotates as intended but the curl effect does.. else that needs to be done Thanks. iphone xcode ipad orientation share improve this question In my experience the UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl style puts both view controllers involved in a state of semi limbo where they don't play by the normal rules. Another example..

How to make half curl animation in iPhone like the maps app?


is a straightforward way to use the effect. simpleVC myModalVC simpleVC alloc init myModalVC setModalTransitionStyle UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl myModalVC setDelegate self self presentModalViewController myModalVC animated YES simpleVC release Link to Apple Docs on..

iPhone SDK 4 “Half curl page transition”


occ instp UIViewController modalTransitionStyle If you create a new UIViewController set its modalTransitionStyle to UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl and then presentModalViewController animated it you'll get the desired half curl page effect. share improve this answer..

Partial Curl Modal Transition Style While Preserving Tool/Tab Bar


present a modal view controller that doesn't cover the tab bar of a UITabBarController Specifically I want to use the UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl but preserve the bottom bar a la the iPhone maps app. iphone uitabbarcontroller modalviewcontroller share improve this..

Mkmapview Half page curl [duplicate]


need to implement half page curl in map view exactly like Google map app. I implement UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl it does not work out exactly like Google map. iphone objective c xcode share improve this question Use FDCatalog ...

crashing on ios device while navigation using UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl in xcode 4


on ios device while navigation using UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl in xcode 4 i am using UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl on the ios 4 device in my test app i have 2 classes where a single.. on ios device while navigation using UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl in xcode 4 i am using UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl on the ios 4 device in my test app i have 2 classes where a single button in each class in first page onclick of the button.. ViewController MainWin QIAViewController alloc initWithNibName NULL bundle NULL MainWin.modalTransitionStyle UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl self presentModalViewController MainWin animated YES MainWin release this is the crash log Terminating app due to uncaught..

Modal view controller won't dismiss itself


a modal view controller containing app settings using the following code optionsViewController.modalTransitionStyle UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl self presentModalViewController optionsViewController animated YES This transition just curls up the bottom part of the..

UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl with UITabBarController


with UITabBarController This question has been asked a lot e.g. here but as far as I can see is yet to be answered in full... unless I am doing something wrong . For clarity my code is as follows MyVC aView MyVC init aView.modalTransitionStyle UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl aView.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed NO For the presenting part I have tried the two alternatives below neither of which seem.. a lower toolbar curls up as well. Others have provided a solution using UIView animations CoreAnimation rather than UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl as a modal transition style this is at worst a solution not allowed in the App Store and at best is not quite the same effect..

UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl doesn't get back to previous state. (Not dismissing)


doesn't get back to previous state. Not dismissing I've got 2 view controllers let's say A and B. In A I'm calling B to.. Not dismissing I've got 2 view controllers let's say A and B. In A I'm calling B to be shown with transition style UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl b setModalTransitionStyle UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl self presentModalViewController b animated YES It is working.. B. In A I'm calling B to be shown with transition style UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl b setModalTransitionStyle UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl self presentModalViewController b animated YES It is working fine. However when I press the curled area in the program compiled..