

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:22

iphone Programming Glossary: uinib

viewDidLoad getting called twice on rootViewController at launch


NSArray NSArray initWithCoder #10 0x30514636 in _decodeObjectBinary #11 0x30514035 in _decodeObject #12 0x30ab4dde in UINib instantiateWithOptions owner loadingResourcesFromBundle #13 0x30ab6eb3 in NSBundle NSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner.. 14 and the second time #0 0x0000276a in RootViewController viewDidLoad at RootViewController.m 71 #1 0x30ab50cd in UINib instantiateWithOptions owner loadingResourcesFromBundle #2 0x30ab6eb3 in NSBundle NSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options..

Custom UITableViewCell Not Using .xib (Most Likely Because of Flaw in init Method)


need the if cell nil ... part anymore. In viewDidLoad of the table view controller you add self.tableView registerNib UINib nibWithNibName @ CueTableCell bundle nil forCellReuseIdentifier @ CueTableCell and in cellForRowAtIndexPath you just do..

iOS7 / iOS6 Conditional Rotation Portrait / Landscape for different sections of App


LandscapeViewController viewController LandscapeViewController ViewController alloc init autorelease UINib nib UINib nibWithNibName @ NavigationController bundle nil NavigationController navController nib instantiateWithOwner nil.. LandscapeViewController viewController LandscapeViewController ViewController alloc init autorelease UINib nib UINib nibWithNibName @ NavigationController bundle nil NavigationController navController nib instantiateWithOwner nil options..



connect 112 6 CoreFoundation 0x03098b6f NSArray makeObjectsPerformSelector 239 7 UIKit 0x00a79721 UINib instantiateWithOwner options 1041 8 UIKit 0x00a7b4b5 NSBundle UINSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options 168 9 UIKit..

this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key authView


NSObject performSelector 18 9 CoreFoundation 0x33a6cd51 NSArray makeObjectsPerformSelector 388 10 UIKit 0x3224b577 UINib instantiateWithOwner options 586 11 UIKit 0x3224cb39 NSBundle UINSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options 92 12 UIKit.. File's Owner stuff messed up in your xibs. This exception is getting thrown during nib unarchiving as evidenced by UINib... in the backtrace . It's attempting to hook up your IBOutlets that you defined. One of your views is set up to be the..

NSInternalInconsistencyException Could not load nib in bundle


NSException raise format arguments 68 3 CoreFoundation 0x318244cb NSException raise format 34 4 UIKit 0x330d2a53 UINib instantiateWithOwner options 1110 5 UIKit 0x330d3e09 NSBundle UINSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options 92 6 UIKit..

Why is viewDidLoad called twice when the rootViewController property of UIWindow is set?


0x0021930c in UIRuntimeOutletConnection connect #6 0x00d418cf in NSArray makeObjectsPerformSelector #7 0x00217d23 in UINib instantiateWithOwner options #8 0x00219ab7 in NSBundle UINSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options #9 0x0001f17a in UIApplication.. Downloads fooza fooza foozaViewController.m 38 #1 0x00002555 in foozaViewController awakeFromNib #2 0x00217f26 in UINib instantiateWithOwner options #3 0x00219ab7 in NSBundle UINSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options #4 0x0001f17a in UIApplication..

How are XIBs loaded for localized apps?


crash on startup with the following stack 3 CoreFoundation 0x01780e6a NSException raise format 58 4 UIKit 0x008050fa UINib instantiateWithOwner options 2024 5 UIKit 0x00806ab7 NSBundle UINSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options 168 6 UIKit..

How to use a common target object to handle actions/outlets of multiple views?


share improve this question Adam it sounds like you want a proxy aka external object. Your Problem NSBundle and UINib return auto released arrays when instantiating object graphs from NIBs. Any object you don't specifically retain will be.. NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys targetObject @ TargetObject nil Load the NIBs ready for instantiation. UINib portraitViewNib UINib nibWithNibName @ Weekview_iPad_Portrait bundle nil UINib landscapeViewNib UINib nibWithNibName @ Weekview_iPad_Landscape.. targetObject @ TargetObject nil Load the NIBs ready for instantiation. UINib portraitViewNib UINib nibWithNibName @ Weekview_iPad_Portrait bundle nil UINib landscapeViewNib UINib nibWithNibName @ Weekview_iPad_Landscape..

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException'


connect 112 6 CoreFoundation 0x00f1a8cf NSArray makeObjectsPerformSelector 239 7 UIKit 0x00219d23 UINib instantiateWithOwner options 1041 8 UIKit 0x0021bab7 NSBundle UINSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner options 168 9 UIKit..

UISearchDisplayController causes crash after viewDidUnload


count #5 0x01e34f52 in NSArray arrayWithObjects count #6 0x01e5e084 in NSDictionary allValues #7 0x01035272 in UINib instantiateWithOwner options #8 0x00edce2c in UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed bundle #9 0x00edd3a9 in UIViewController..

iOS and unarchiving xib files


0x30223fc6 in NSException raise format #12 0x305564b4 in NSKeyedUnarchiver initForReadingWithData #13 0x3094927c in UINib instantiateWithOptions owner loadingResourcesFromBundle #14 0x30949090 in NSBundle NSBundleAdditions loadNibNamed owner..