

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:22

iphone Programming Glossary: uinavigationcontroller's

Multiple views in a UIWindow


a view always displayed at the bottom of the screen at all times. I added this new view to a UIWindow after adding the UINavigationController's view In my delegate's applicationDidFinishLaunching method window addSubview navigationController.view window insertSubview..

presentViewController not supporting orientation in iOS 6


UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortraitUpsideDown The documentation also says that UINavigationController's doesn't query its top View Controller for orientations supported although an Apple engineer over on the Developer Forums..

viewWillDisappear: Determine whether view controller is being popped or is showing a sub-view controller


because it was popped from the stack NSLog @ View controller was popped This is of course possible because the UINavigationController's view controller stack exposed through the viewControllers property has been updated by the time that viewWillDisappear is..

Why doesn't Apple allow subclassing of UINavigationController? And what are my alternatives to subclassing?


subclass UINavigationController and things seem to break when one does I'm wondering how I should go about extending UINavigationController's functionality without subclassing and generally speaking how one should work around subclassing limitations when doing Cocoa..

Hiding a UINavigationController's UIToolbar during viewWillDisappear:


a UINavigationController's UIToolbar during viewWillDisappear I've got an iPhone application with a UITableView menu. When a row in the table is selected..

What's the difference between the RootViewController, AppDelegate and the View Controller classes that I may create?


are responsible for providing a view controller such as the one described above to act as the first view stored in the UINavigationController's stack of views. This view will be displayed when the app starts up and anytime that the user pops subsequent ViewControllers..

How to add a UIView above the current UITableViewController


the storyboard . Instead I added the view that I wanted to add above my UITableView into the UITableViewController's UINavigationController's view as such self.navigationController.view addSubview view to add above the table view This approach requires that you..

dismissModalViewControllerAnimated not working


and an Done. When pressing either one of them the MVC should be dismissed. The IBActions of these buttons are in the UINavigationController's view AddClockViewController but whenever pressing them the MVC does not dissappear. If I put the actions into the MVC it..

Right design pattern for tabbed navigation views?


are not supposed to subclass UINavigationController instead you use them as they are and you add viewcontroller on the UINavigationController's . Then after setting the root viewcontroller in each UINavigationController you add the UINavigationController to the UITabBarController..

iOS 5 : -viewWillAppear is not called after dismissing the modal in iPad


way I like I move on. Then iOS 5 comes in and throws a wrecking ball into everything. I have also experienced when a UINavigationController's view is a subview and a ViewController is pushed on the navigation controller stack viewWillAppear never gets called in..

UINavigationController's back button disappears?


back button disappears I notice something strange happens to one of my view controller the back button disappears yet it's..