

php Programming Glossary: session.save_handler

How long will my session last?


PHPSESSID session.referer_check no value no value session.save_handler files files session.save_path var lib php session var lib php..

Remove “columns” from the subarrays of a two dimensional array


PHP configuration to enable sessions


PHPSESSID session.referer_check no value no value session.save_handler files files session.save_path tmp tmp session.serialize_handler.. handler is set in the php.ini under the directive named session.save_handler sqlite Optionally you can store session data in an sqlite database... an sqlite database. To do so use a configuration such as session.save_handler sqlite session.save_path tmp phpsess.db mm For high performance..

Using memcache as a session store?


installed and enable session handler support and set session.save_handler memcache to force php to use memcache Is there any application..

PHP session variables not being maintaned


PHPSESSID session.referer_check no value no value session.save_handler files files session.save_path c wamp tmp c wamp tmp session.serialize_handler..

Creating custom PHP Session handler?


to store retrieve data. http php.net session.save handler session.save_handler files session.save_handler memcache session.save_path tcp php.net session.save handler session.save_handler files session.save_handler memcache session.save_path tcp 11215 persistent 1..

Is my understanding of PHP sessions correct?


it tries to retrieve the session data from the storage see session.save_handler to load the data into _SESSION . If it can ™t find an ID or its..

Why Session object destruction failed


only one place in PHP which causes this. That's when the session.save_handler see as well session_set_save_handler returns FALSE for the destroy..