

php Programming Glossary: session_save_path

PHP session lost after redirect


like FatCow and iPage they require you to specify session_save_path . So like this session_save_path ' your home directory path.. require you to specify session_save_path . So like this session_save_path ' your home directory path cgi bin tmp' session_start replace..

How to prevent PHP sessions being shared between different apache vhosts?


Edit is also the reason why you ALWAYS should set your session_save_path or use database session handling if you are on an shared webhosting... through obscurity . The only safe method is to use session_save_path or use a database session handler. To set session_save_path.. or use a database session handler. To set session_save_path in the php.ini you should find more information here http php.net..

Why session_start is needed when using session?


or _POST and then tries finding the session file in the session_save_path and when found unserializing the values of it into _SESSION..

My web host is adding ?PHPSESSID=fgh2h45… to the end of the URL


In order to use PHP sessions in their host I need to add session_save_path ' home users web ... cgi bin tmp' at the start of each page..

Warning: session_start() failed: No such file or directory


Answer I added this to the class.bertasecurity.php file session_save_path _SERVER 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' . ' randomfolder sessions' ini_set 'session.gc_probability'.. directory is writable or you can set a path yourself with session_save_path This comment is also useful if you are using above function...

PHP sessions timing out too quickly


is that you configure your own session directory php session_save_path ' path to writable directory inside your account' ini_set 'session.gc_maxlifetime'..

PHP Warning Permission denied (13) on session_start() [duplicate]


it. Before the call to session_start put in a call to session_save_path and give it the name of a directory writable by the server...