

php Programming Glossary: session_register

PHP login Code always say wrong username or password


mypassword and redirect to file login_success.php session_register myusername session_register mypassword header location login_success.php.. to file login_success.php session_register myusername session_register mypassword header location login_success.php else echo Wrong..

PHP/MySQL login


and mypassword table row must be 1 row if count 1 session_register myusername _SESSION 'login_user' myusername echo _SESSION 'login_user'.. improve this question the problem is here if count 1 session_register myusername ^ this is deprecated _SESSION 'login_user' myusername.. 'login_user' header location welcome.php don't use session_register it is deprecated use it directly by using this code _SESSION..

Fatal error: Call to undefined function session_register() [duplicate]


error Call to undefined function session_register duplicate This question already has an answer here PHP MySQL.. following error. Fatal error Call to undefined function session_register It occurs as I get a user to login. PHP php include config.php.. and mypassword table row must be 1 row if count 1 session_register myusername _SESSION 'login_user' myusername header location..

How to fix the session_register() DEPRECATED problem?


to fix the session_register DEPRECATED problem How to fix the session_register DEPRECATED.. the session_register DEPRECATED problem How to fix the session_register DEPRECATED problem in php 5.3 php session deprecated share.. entries are automatically registered. If your script uses session_register it will not work in environments where the PHP directive register_globals..

PHP headers already sent problem [duplicate]


by PHP Hello there when i go to the site it says Warning session_register function.session register Cannot send session cache limiter.. 'mattyc admin' header 'Location admin upload.php' else session_register 'mattyc admin' _SESSION 'mattyc admin' 'mattyc adminp' header..