

php Programming Glossary: setfont

Create a PDF file with PHP


pdf AliasNbPages add a page pdf AddPage set font pdf SetFont helvetica 12 set a background color pdf SetFillColor 230 240.. a background color pdf SetFillColor 230 240 255 true pdf SetFont b 16 pdf Write 16 some text n 0 'C' pdf Output filename.pdf..

HTML to PDF vs. Programmatically creating PDF via PHP


tcpdf SetDrawColor 128 0 0 tcpdf SetLineWidth 0.3 tcpdf SetFont '' 'B' 2 Converting HTML to PDF How do I decide which I approach..

not able to delete item from cart


Symfony 1.4 with TCPDF: How to retreive data from a database and show it as a .pdf file?


fonts like helvetica or times to reduce file size. pdf SetFont 'dejavusans' '' 10 Add a page This method has several options.. AddPage pdf Write 0 '' '' 0 'L' true 0 false false 0 pdf SetFont 'helvetica' '' 6 Set some content to print html this getPartial.. subsetting mode pdf setFontSubsetting true Set font pdf SetFont 'helvetica' '' 6 Add a page This method has several options..

Writing/Drawing over a PDF template document in PHP


tplIdx 0 0 now write some text above the imported page pdf SetFont 'Arial' pdf SetTextColor 255 0 0 pdf SetXY 25 25 pdf Write 0..

Email PDF Attachment with PHP Using FPDF


pdf Image 'lib fpdf giftcertificate.jpg' 0 0 500 pdf SetFont 'georgiai' '' 16 pdf Cell 40 10 'Hello World ' doc pdf Output.. pdf AddPage pdf Image 'lib fpdf image.jpg' 0 0 500 pdf SetFont 'georgiai' '' 16 pdf Cell 40 10 'Hello World ' email stuff change..

How to get the exact modified PDF using FPDF/FPDI?


World at the bottom of the page Select Arial italic 8 pdf SetFont 'Arial' '' 8 pdf SetTextColor 0 0 0 pdf SetXY 90 160 pdf Rotate..

Tool for exporting html as pdf


php require 'fpdf.php' pdf new FPDF pdf AddPage pdf SetFont 'Arial' 'B' 16 pdf Cell 40 10 'Hello World ' pdf Output To generate.. . To print a text we need to first select a font with SetFont . Let us select Arial bold 16 pdf SetFont 'Arial' 'B' 16 We.. a font with SetFont . Let us select Arial bold 16 pdf SetFont 'Arial' 'B' 16 We use Cell function to output a text. A cell..