

php Programming Glossary: setfileuploadsupport

Unable to find the absolute path of /tmp directory on Heroku Server


you may use this if session_id else session_start facebook setFileUploadSupport http . _SERVER 'SERVER_NAME' x realpath _FILES 'source' 'tmp_name'..

Upload image with facebook API


The correct way now is fbk new Facebook conf fbk setFileUploadSupport true If you are executing this in a script and not in a web..

Upload Photo To Album with Facebook's Graph API


the album does not yet exist it will be created. facebook setFileUploadSupport true args array 'message' 'Photo Caption' args 'image' '@' ... will upload the photo to a specific album. facebook setFileUploadSupport true args array 'message' 'Photo Caption' args 'image' '@' ...

Facebook graph API & PHP SDK questions


array 'appId' ... 'secret' ... 'cookie' true fb setFileUploadSupport true attachement array 'access_token' '...' 'name' 'uploaded..

Facebook: php upload photo and post on wall


online but it does not work. i have tried adding facebook setFileUploadSupport true but receive errors. Please advice me how i could go about..

facebook Uncaught OAuthException: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user


'REMOVED' 'fileUpload' true 'cookie' true facebook setFileUploadSupport true me null Session based API call. if session try uid facebook..

facebook auto re-login from cookie php


Upload photos to Facebook Album from an app


thrown in facebook.php on line 589 My upload code facebook setFileUploadSupport true args array 'message' 'My Friend 's' args 'image' '@' ... I tried the code below and it worked perfectly. facebook setFileUploadSupport true album_details array 'message' 'album description goes here'..

How-To Upload Photos to facebook(graph api) with html file selector(input type=“file”)


'HERE_I_NEED_THE_REAL_PATH_OF_THE_IMAGE' facebook setFileUploadSupport true args array 'message' 'Photo Caption' args 'image' '@' ... array album_id '2179901265385' MY ALBUM ID facebook setFileUploadSupport true args array 'message' _POST 'message' args 'image' '@'..

Upload a remote photo to an upload


using the Facebook PHP Library Instead of using facebook setFileUploadSupport true args array 'message' 'My Caption' args 'image' '@' . realpath.. if @file_put_contents tempFilename imgContent facebook setFileUploadSupport true args array 'message' 'My Caption' args 'image' '@' . realpath..