

python Programming Glossary: atoi

Unusual Speed Difference between Python and C++


int j 0 j digits.size j char charDigit digits j int digit atoi charDigit int square pow digit 2 squares.push_back square int..

Python equivalent to atoi / atof


equivalent to atoi atof Python loves raising exceptions which is usually great... I desperately want to convert to integers using C's atoi atof semantics e.g. atoi of 3 of 12 3 12 3 12 should all become.. to convert to integers using C's atoi atof semantics e.g. atoi of 3 of 12 3 12 3 12 should all become 3 atof 3.14 seconds should..

Sort numpy string array with negative numbers?


could use natural sorting import numpy as np import re def atoi text try return int text except ValueError return text def natural_keys.. blog 200712 human_sorting.html ''' return atoi c for c in re.split ' d ' text a np.array 3 2 1 0 2 word print..