

python Programming Glossary: attrs

Parsing HTML Python


BeautifulSoup html print parsed_html.body.find 'div' attrs 'class' 'container' .text You don't need performance descriptions..

Can anyone help condense this Python code?


def set_properties_meta properties def meta name bases attrs cls type name bases attrs set_pyqtproperties cls properties.. properties def meta name bases attrs cls type name bases attrs set_pyqtproperties cls properties return cls return meta Usage.. properties as a class attribute def MetaClass name bases attrs cls type name bases attrs set_pyqtproperties cls attrs.get 'properties'..

get request data in Django form


email_address forms.EmailField widget forms.TextInput attrs 'class' 'required' def clean_email_address self this_email self.cleaned_data.. email_address forms.EmailField widget forms.TextInput attrs 'class' 'required' def __init__ self user None args kwargs super..

Beautiful Soup cannot find a CSS class if the object has other classes, too


soup bs4.BeautifulSoup ' div class foo bar div ' In 3 soup attrs 'class' 'bar' Out 3 div class foo bar div Also you don't have..

Sanitising user input using Python


True if tag.name not in validTags tag.hidden True attrs tag.attrs tag.attrs for attr val in attrs if attr in validAttrs.. if tag.name not in validTags tag.hidden True attrs tag.attrs tag.attrs for attr val in attrs if attr in validAttrs val re_scripts.sub.. not in validTags tag.hidden True attrs tag.attrs tag.attrs for attr val in attrs if attr in validAttrs val re_scripts.sub..

Python state-machine design


self._acc ## Event callbacks def startElement self name attrs self._dispatch startElement name attrs def characters self ch.. self name attrs self._dispatch startElement name attrs def characters self ch self._acc ch def endElement self name..

Add class to Django label_tag() output


forms field. I see that there is the ability to pass in an attrs dictionary and I have tested it in the shell and I can do something.. do something like for field in form print field.label_tag attrs 'class' 'Foo' I will see the class 'Foo' in my output but I.. class 'Foo' in my output but I don't see a way to add an attrs argument from the template in fact templates are designed specifically..

Python Class Decorator


kwargs pass class FooMeta type def __new__ cls name bases attrs attrs '__init__' substitute_init return super FooMeta cls .__new__.. pass class FooMeta type def __new__ cls name bases attrs attrs '__init__' substitute_init return super FooMeta cls .__new__.. return super FooMeta cls .__new__ cls name bases attrs class Foo object __metaclass__ FooMeta def __init__ self value1..