

python Programming Glossary: automodule

Using sphinx to auto-document a python class, module


and changed chapter1.rst to The mod segments Module .. automodule segments.segments .. autoclass segments.segments.Seg Still can't..

Sphinx — combining automodule and autoclass


&mdash combining automodule and autoclass Unless I'm missing something Sphinx's autocmodule.. module. Is there a way automatically get the behavior of automodule and autoclass combined in such a way that I can automatically..

Sphinx autodoc is not automatic enough


to write code like this for each file in my project .. automodule mods.set.tests members show inheritance This is way too tedious..

Good examples of Python docstrings for Sphinx


contains the source for a small demo project that uses automodule and autoclass http packages.python.org an_example_pypi_project..

Automatically Generating Documentation for All Python Package Contents


class function in my codebase. However I did notice the automodule statement and I enabled autodoc during quickstart so I'm hoping.. folder to sys.path and then modified my index.rst to use automodule. So now my index.rst looks like Contents .. toctree maxdepth.. and tables ref `genindex` ref `modindex` ref `search` .. automodule alphabuyer members I have dozens of classes and functions defined..

Is it possible to override Sphinx autodoc for specific functions?


possible to override a signature by using autofunction .. automodule yourmodule members exclude members funcname .. autofunction.. is not sorted with the other functions pulled in with automodule . Using explicit autofunction directives for every function..

How to use Sphinx's autodoc to document a class's __init__(self) method?


__init__ self by default. I have tried the following .. automodule mymodule members and ..autoclass MyClass members In conf.py.. This has to be added for every class cannot be used with automodule as pointed out in a comment to the first revision of this answer..

Is OptionParser in conflict with sphinx?


me the same error. My rst looks like this some title .. automodule test members python python sphinx optionparser share improve..