

python Programming Glossary: ax.bar

Financial Charts / Graphs in Ruby or Python


# between high and low. width 0 ax plt.axes rects1 ax.bar np.arange 50 deltas width color 'r' bottom bases # Now draw..

Individually labeled bars for bar graphs in matplotlib / Python


4 7 6 5 f pylab.figure ax f.add_axes 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8 ax.bar x y align 'center' ax.set_xticks x ax.set_xticklabels 'Aye'..

Matplotlib: Formatting dates on the x-axis in a 3D Bar graph


'b' 'y' 30 20 10 0 xs np.array dates ys np.random.rand 20 ax.bar xs ys zs z zdir 'y' color c alpha 0.8 ax.set_xlabel 'Date Time'.. 'y' 30 20 10 0 xs np.array some_dates ys np.random.rand 20 ax.bar xs ys zs z zdir 'y' color c alpha 0.8 width 8 ax.w_xaxis.set_major_locator..

Matplotlib PDF export uses wrong font


'Gill Sans' fig pylab.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.bar data data ax.set_xticks data ax.set_xticklabels data fontproperties..

How to create a legend for 3D bar in matplotlib?


a legend for 3D bar in matplotlib Given ax plt.subplot ax.bar 0 can be passed to plt.legend . However ax.bar3d returns None.. plt.subplot ax.bar 0 can be passed to plt.legend . However ax.bar3d returns None . How do I create legend for displayed bars UPDATE.. legend for displayed bars UPDATE Passing legend stuff to ax.bar3d and than calling ax.legend raises usr lib python2.6 site packages..

Creating Bar Charts in Python


bottom 0.2 # Remark 1 ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.bar arange len grosses grosses ax.ticklabel_format style 'plain'..

Matplotlib overlapping annotations


0.1 1.1 #BAD PLOT fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.bar x_data y_data width 0.0001 #write the text for x y in zip x_data..