

python Programming Glossary: ax.set_xlim

Simple animation of 2D coordinates using matplotlib and pyplot


10 if t 0 points ax.plot x y marker 'o' linestyle 'None' ax.set_xlim 0 10 ax.set_ylim 0 10 else new_x np.random.randint 10 size 5..

Closing pyplot windows


0.75 ax fig.add_subplot 1 1 1 subplots_adjust top 0.8 ax.set_xlim 100 100 ax.set_ylim 100 100 ax.set_xlabel 'X' ax.set_ylabel..

pylab.ion() in python 2, matplotlib 1.1.1 and updating of the plot while the program runs


0 1 fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 Ln ax.plot dat ax.set_xlim 0 20 plt.ion plt.show for i in range 18 dat.append random.uniform..

matplotlib very slow. Is it normal?


ax.set_ylim 0.1 1.1 ax.set_xlabel 'K L '.format k l size 3 ax.set_xlim 0.1 4.1 ax.set_xticks ax.set_yticks ax.grid 'off' ax.plot np.arange.. ax 'frame_on' False ax.set_ylim 0 K_max K_min 1 y_offset ax.set_xlim 0 L_max L_min 1 x_offset ax.set_xticks ax.set_yticks ax.grid..

matplotlib 3d plot with changing labels


'X Label' ax.set_ylabel 'Y Label' ax.set_zlabel 'Z Label' ax.set_xlim 10 11 ax.set_ylim 10 11 ax.set_zlim 10 11 lin None for x y z..

Animated title in matplotlib


100 fig plt.figure img plt.plot np.sin vls ax plt.axes ax.set_xlim 0 2 2 np.pi #ttl ax.set_title '' animated True ttl ax.text .5.. 100 fig plt.figure img plt.plot np.sin vls ax plt.axes ax.set_xlim 0 2 2 np.pi #ttl ax.set_title '' animated True ttl ax.text .5..

Logarithmic y-axis bins in python


23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 26.5 27.0 27.5 28.0 ax.set_xlim 23.5 28 ax.set_ylim 0 30 ax.grid True plt.yscale 'log' plt.show..

Python/Matplotlib - Is there a way to make a discontinuous axis?


# zoom in limit the view to different portions of the data ax.set_xlim 0 1 # most of the data ax2.set_xlim 9 10 # outliers only # hide.. # zoom in limit the view to different portions of the data ax.set_xlim 0 1 # most of the data ax2.set_xlim 9 10 # outliers only # hide..