

python Programming Glossary: ax.set_title

Why doesn't matplotlib use the .ttf font that I provide?


fm.FontProperties fname ' Users smith fonts coolfont.ttf' ax.set_title 'Text in a cool font' fontproperties prop size 40 fig.show .. plt.subplots prop fm.FontProperties fname 'Outwrite.ttf' ax.set_title 'Text in a cool font' fontproperties prop size 40 plt.show plt.savefig..

Step function in matplotlib


'Time s ' ax.set_ylabel r'Jerk m s^3 ' ax.set_ylim 1.5 1.5 ax.set_title 'Jerk Produced by the Engine' plt.show share improve this..

associate a colorbar with a matrix graph


ax.imshow mtrx cmap plt.cm.Greys_r interpolation 'none' ax.set_title 'My matrix' x_ax.imshow xcolors cmap cmap interpolation 'none'..

Setting the size of the plotting canvas in Matplotlib


False xticks yticks ax.imshow img interpolation 'none' ax.set_title 'Matplotlib is fun ' size 16 weight 'bold' plt.savefig 'D mpl_logo_with_title.png'..

make matplotlib draw() only show new point


'X Label' ax.set_ylabel 'Y Label' ax.set_zlabel 'Z Label' ax.set_title t draw pause 0.01 if count 50 plotting False ioff show How can.. if lin is not None lin.remove lin ax.scatter xs ys zs ax.set_title t draw pause 0.01 if count 50 plotting False ioff show In principle..

matplotlib 3d plot with changing labels


df2 'x.mean' ys df2 'y.mean' zs df2 'z.mean' t df2 'time' ax.set_title t if lin is not None lin.remove lin ax.scatter xs ys zs draw.. 10 11 ax.set_zlim 10 11 lin None for x y z t in data ax.set_title t if lin is not None lin.remove lin ax.scatter x y z draw pause..

Animated title in matplotlib


np.sin vls ax plt.axes ax.set_xlim 0 2 2 np.pi #ttl ax.set_title '' animated True ttl ax.text .5 1.005 '' transform ax.transAxes.. up but it slows way down. It seems to fail with plt.title ax.set_title and ax.text . Edit I found out why the second example in the.. np.sin vls ax plt.axes ax.set_xlim 0 2 2 np.pi #ttl ax.set_title '' animated True ttl ax.text .5 1.05 '' transform ax.transAxes..

How can I improve my paw detection?


for i in range 4 ax.add_patch rect for rect in rects title ax.set_title 'Time 0.0 ms' # Process and display each frame for time frame.. 'Time ms Since Beginning of Experiment' ax.yaxis.grid True ax.set_title 'Periods of Paw Contact' def annotate_paw_prints time data data_slices..

matplotlib show() doesn't work twice


1 ys numpy.std X axis 1 fig figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.set_title 'click on point to plot time series' line ax.plot xs ys 'o'..

Spline representation with scipy.interpolate: Poor interpolation for low-amplitude, rapidly oscillating functions


'Interpolated' ax.plot x y 'bo' label 'Original' ax.legend ax.set_title title ' Smoothing' plt.show The reason that you're only clearly..

How to use matplotlib tight layout with Figure?


nrows 4 ncols 4 for i ax in enumerate axes.flat start 1 ax.set_title 'Test Axes '.format i ax.set_xlabel 'X axis' ax.set_ylabel 'Y.. nrows 4 ncols 4 for i ax in enumerate axes.flat start 1 ax.set_title 'Test Axes '.format i ax.set_xlabel 'X axis' ax.set_ylabel 'Y..