

python Programming Glossary: axes_class

There is a class matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot, but the module matplotlib.axes has no attribute AxesSubplot


is done by some magic in axes.py def subplot_class_factory axes_class None # This makes a new class that inherits from SubplotBase.. a new class that inherits from SubplotBase and the # given axes_class which is assumed to be a subclass of Axes . # This is perhaps.. does # not have to be created for every type of Axes. if axes_class is None axes_class Axes new_class _subplot_classes.get axes_class..

multiple axis in matplotlib with different scales


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if 1 host host_subplot 111 axes_class AA.Axes plt.subplots_adjust right 0.75 par1 host.twinx par2..