

python Programming Glossary: ax.transaxes

matplotlib: combine different figures and put them in a single subplot sharing a common legend


bbox_transform BlendedGenericTransform fig.transFigure ax.transAxes Here the bbox_to_anchor argument should be customized to fit..

Matplotlib, adding text with more than one line. Adding text that can follow the curve


example pylab.text 0.6 0.75 'using axis coords' transform ax.transAxes The parameters verticalalignment and horizontalalignment can.. at the very corners pylab.text 1. 1. 'top right' transform ax.transAxes horizontalalignment 'right' verticalalignment 'top' pylab.text.. 'top' pylab.text 0. 0. 'bottom left' transform ax.transAxes horizontalalignment 'left' verticalalignment 'bottom' To automatically..

Animated title in matplotlib


'' animated True ttl ax.text .5 1.005 '' transform ax.transAxes def init ttl.set_text '' img.set_data 0 0 return img ttl def.. '' animated True ttl ax.text .5 1.05 '' transform ax.transAxes va 'center' def init ttl.set_text '' img.set_data 0 0 return..

Python/Matplotlib - Is there a way to make a discontinuous axis?


just so we don't keep repeating them kwargs dict transform ax.transAxes color 'k' clip_on False ax.plot 1 d 1 d d d kwargs # top left..