

python Programming Glossary: ax.set_ylabel

Closing pyplot windows


ax.set_xlim 100 100 ax.set_ylim 100 100 ax.set_xlabel 'X' ax.set_ylabel 'Y' axsliderA axes 0.12 0.85 0.16 0.075 sA Slider axsliderA..

Step function in matplotlib


ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.step x y ax.set_xlabel 'Time s ' ax.set_ylabel r'Jerk m s^3 ' ax.set_ylim 1.5 1.5 ax.set_title 'Jerk Produced..

make matplotlib draw() only show new point


t df2 'time' ax.scatter xs ys zs ax.set_xlabel 'X Label' ax.set_ylabel 'Y Label' ax.set_zlabel 'Z Label' ax.set_title t draw pause.. True # doesn't need to be in loop ax.set_xlabel 'X Label' ax.set_ylabel 'Y Label' ax.set_zlabel 'Z Label' lin None while plotting df2..

matplotlib 3d plot with changing labels


0 plotting True labels range 10 11 ax.set_xlabel 'X Label' ax.set_ylabel 'Y Label' ax.set_zlabel 'Z Label' ax.set_yticklabels labels.. 111 projection '3d' ax.set_xlabel 'X Label' ax.set_ylabel 'Y Label' ax.set_zlabel 'Z Label' ax.set_xlim 10 11 ax.set_ylim..

Matplotlib: Formatting dates on the x-axis in a 3D Bar graph


zs z zdir 'y' color c alpha 0.8 ax.set_xlabel 'Date Time' ax.set_ylabel 'Series' ax.set_zlabel 'Amount' plt.show python numpy graph.. but with w_xaxis tl.set_ha 'right' tl.set_rotation 30 ax.set_ylabel 'Series' ax.set_zlabel 'Amount' plt.show Produces share improve..

Any easy way to plot a 3d scatter in Python that I can rotate around?


ax.scatter data 0 data 2 data 3 c colors ax.set_xlabel 'X' ax.set_ylabel 'Y' ax.set_zlabel 'Z' fig.add_axes ax p.show I'd like a solution..

Changing the color of the axis, ticks and labels for a plot in matplotlib


111 ax.plot range 10 ax.set_xlabel 'X axis' ax.set_ylabel 'Y axis' ax.spines 'bottom' .set_color 'red' ax.spines 'top'..

Secondary axis with twinx(): how to add to legend?


label 'temp' ax.legend loc 0 ax.grid ax.set_xlabel Time h ax.set_ylabel r Radiation MJ m^ 2 d^ 1 ax2.set_ylabel r Temperature ^ circ.. lns ax.legend lns labs loc 0 ax.grid ax.set_xlabel Time h ax.set_ylabel r Radiation MJ m^ 2 d^ 1 ax2.set_ylabel r Temperature ^ circ..

Matplotlib so log axis only has minor tick mark labels at specified points. Also change size of tick labels in colorbar


X Y Z 8 cmap cm.jet ax.set_position 0.12 0.15 .8 .8 ax.set_ylabel 'Log Frequency Hz ' ax.set_xlabel 'Log Frequency Hz ' ax.set_xscale.. X Y Z 8 cmap cm.jet ax.set_position 0.12 0.15 .8 .8 ax.set_ylabel 'Log Frequency Hz ' ax.set_xlabel 'Log Frequency Hz ' ax.set_xscale.. X.shape 8000000 surf ax.contourf X Y Z 8 cmap plt.cm.jet ax.set_ylabel 'Log Frequency Hz ' ax.set_xlabel 'Log Frequency Hz ' ax.set_xscale..

matplotlib: adding second axes() with transparent background?


range 10 'r ' ax.set_xlabel 'Red X axis' color 'red' ax.set_ylabel 'Red Y axis' color 'red' x np.linspace 0 6 np.pi newax.plot.. x 'g ' newax.set_xlabel 'Green X axis' color 'green' newax.set_ylabel 'Green Y axis' color 'green' plt.show You can also just add..

Django FileField open() method returns None for valid file?


How to use matplotlib tight layout with Figure?


ax.set_title 'Test Axes '.format i ax.set_xlabel 'X axis' ax.set_ylabel 'Y axis' plt.show Before Tight Layout After Tight Layout import.. ax.set_title 'Test Axes '.format i ax.set_xlabel 'X axis' ax.set_ylabel 'Y axis' fig.tight_layout plt.show share improve this answer..

Intraday candlestick charts using MatPlotLib


xdays rotation 45 horizontalalignment 'right' ax.set_ylabel 'Quote ' size 20 ax.set_ylim 177 196 candlestick ax data2 width..