

python Programming Glossary: ax.plot_surface

Image overlay in 3d plot using python


y ogrid 0 img.shape 0 0 img.shape 1 ax gca projection '3d' ax.plot_surface x y 10 rstride 5 cstride 5 facecolors img show Of course the..

How to draw diagrams like this?


2 np.pi M x y z r np.cos th r np.sin th angle r np.sin th ax.plot_surface X2 Y3 Z3 color 'blue' alpha .75 linewidth 0 zorder 1 ax.plot.. y 0 y y 0 z y 0 lw 5 linestyle ' ' color 'green' zorder 0 ax.plot_surface X Y Z color 'red' alpha .75 linewidth 0 zorder 1 ax.plot r np.sin.. np.cos th np.zeros M lw 5 linestyle ' ' color 'k' zorder 2 ax.plot_surface X2 Y2 Z2 color 'blue' alpha .75 linewidth 0 zorder 3 ax.plot..

ode integration in python versus mathematica results


yl4 zm 2000 np.outer np.ones np.size phi np.cos theta ax.plot_surface xm ym zm color '#696969' linewidth 0 ax.auto_scale_xyz 8000.. theta zm 2000 np.outer np.ones np.size phi np.cos theta ax.plot_surface xm ym zm color '#696969' linewidth 0 ax.auto_scale_xyz 8000..

Running matplotlib in tkinter


np.sin u np.sin v z 10 np.outer np.ones np.size u np.cos v ax.plot_surface x y z rstride 4 cstride 4 color 'lightgreen' linewidth 0 # antialiased..

matplotlib color in 3d plotting from an x,y,z data set without using contour


y max y X Y np.meshgrid xi yi Z griddata x y z xi yi surf ax.plot_surface X Y Z rstride 6 cstride 6 cmap cm.jet linewidth 0 ax.set_zlim3d.. y max y X Y np.meshgrid xi yi Z griddata x y z xi yi surf ax.plot_surface X Y Z rstride 5 cstride 5 cmap cm.jet linewidth 1 antialiased..

Color matplotlib plot_surface command with surface gradient


0.25 X Y np.meshgrid X Y R np.sqrt X 2 Y 2 Z np.sin R surf ax.plot_surface X Y Z rstride 1 cstride 1 cmap gradient Z linewidth 0 antialiased.. My Documents Python Candela tmp.py line 13 in module surf ax.plot_surface X Y Z rstride 1 cstride 1 cmap gradient Z linewidth 0 antialiased.. 2 .5 # gradient magnitude N G G.max # normalize 0..1 surf ax.plot_surface X Y Z rstride 1 cstride 1 facecolors cm.jet N linewidth 0 antialiased..