

python Programming Glossary: ax.plot

pylab.ion() in python 2, matplotlib 1.1.1 and updating of the plot while the program runs


as plt dat 0 1 fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 Ln ax.plot dat ax.set_xlim 0 20 plt.ion plt.show for i in range 18 dat.append..

How to draw diagrams like this?


2 np.pi M x y z r np.cos th r np.sin th angle r np.sin th ax.plot_surface X2 Y3 Z3 color 'blue' alpha .75 linewidth 0 zorder 1.. X2 Y3 Z3 color 'blue' alpha .75 linewidth 0 zorder 1 ax.plot x y 0 y y 0 z y 0 lw 5 linestyle ' ' color 'green' zorder 0.. y 0 y y 0 z y 0 lw 5 linestyle ' ' color 'green' zorder 0 ax.plot_surface X Y Z color 'red' alpha .75 linewidth 0 zorder 1 ax.plot..

How can I improve my paw detection?


ha 'center' va 'bottom' # Plot line connecting paw impacts ax.plot x y ' wo' ax.axis 'image' ax.set_title 'Order of Steps' share..

matplotlib Update a Plot


plt.ion fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 line1 ax.plot x y 'r ' # Returns a tuple of line objects thus the comma for..

Secondary axis with twinx(): how to add to legend?


default 'regular' fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.plot time Swdown ' ' label 'Swdown' ax.plot time Rn ' ' label 'Rn'.. fig.add_subplot 111 ax.plot time Swdown ' ' label 'Swdown' ax.plot time Rn ' ' label 'Rn' ax2 ax.twinx ax2.plot time temp ' r'.. 10 100 10 fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 lns1 ax.plot time Swdown ' ' label 'Swdown' lns2 ax.plot time Rn ' ' label..

Python/Matplotlib - Is there a way to make a discontinuous axis?


1 2 sharey True # plot the same data on both axes ax.plot x y 'bo' ax2.plot x y 'bo' # zoom in limit the view to different.. 1 2 sharey True # plot the same data on both axes ax.plot x y 'bo' ax2.plot x y 'bo' # zoom in limit the view to different.. kwargs dict transform ax.transAxes color 'k' clip_on False ax.plot 1 d 1 d d d kwargs # top left diagonal ax.plot 1 d 1 d 1 d 1..

How can I release memory after creating matplotlib figures


'w' fig.set_size_inches 10 7 ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.plot a b fig.clf plt.close del a b gc.collect python memory leaks..

Using Colormaps to set color of line in matplotlib


curves idx colorVal scalarMap.to_rgba values idx retLine ax.plot line color colorVal #retLine.set_color lines.append retLine.. 4.2f 4.2f 4.2f ' colorVal 0 colorVal 1 colorVal 2 retLine ax.plot line color colorVal label colorText lines.append retLine #added..

why is plotting with Matplotlib so slow?


nrows 6 styles 'r ' 'g ' 'y ' 'm ' 'k ' 'c ' lines ax.plot x y style 0 for ax style in zip axes styles fig.show tstart.. 'r ' 'g ' 'y ' 'm ' 'k ' 'c ' def plot ax style return ax.plot x y style animated True 0 lines plot ax style for ax style in.. 'r ' 'g ' 'y ' 'm ' 'k ' 'c ' def plot ax style return ax.plot x y style animated True 0 lines plot ax style for ax style in..