

python Programming Glossary: ax.set_aspect

Python/matplotlib : plotting a 3d cube, a sphere and a vector?


combinations fig plt.figure ax fig.gca projection '3d' ax.set_aspect equal #draw cube r 1 1 for s e in combinations np.array list..

Generating movie from python without saving individual frames to files


100 def ani_frame fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.set_aspect 'equal' ax.get_xaxis .set_visible False ax.get_yaxis .set_visible..

How to plot confusion matrix with string axis rather than integer in python


tmp_arr fig plt.figure plt.clf ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.set_aspect 1 res ax.imshow np.array norm_conf cmap plt.cm.jet interpolation..

python - matplotlib - setting aspect ratio


111 aspect 'equal' ax fig.add_subplot 111 aspect 1.0 ax.set_aspect 'equal' plt.axes .set_aspect 'equal' Any ideas Let me know if.. ax aspect 1 im ax.get_images extent im 0 .get_extent ax.set_aspect abs extent 1 extent 0 extent 3 extent 2 aspect data np.random.rand.. fig.add_subplot 111 ax.imshow data ax.set_xlabel 'xlabel' ax.set_aspect 2 fig.savefig 'equal.png' ax.set_aspect 'auto' fig.savefig 'auto.png'..