

python Programming Glossary: ax1.plot

How to add a second x-axis in matplotlib


111 ax2 ax1.twiny X np.linspace 0 1 1000 Y np.cos X 20 ax1.plot X Y ax1.set_xlabel r Original x axis X new_tick_locations np.array..

plotting a smooth curve in matplotlib graphs


0 #sub plots f ax1 ax2 ax3 plt.subplots 1 3 sharey True ax1.plot u y 'r' ax2.plot v y 'g' ax3.plot w y 'b' #texts ax1.set_title..

Matplotlib: Same title for 8 plots plotted using loop


m l in zip i n f ax1 ax2 plt.subplots 2 for row in phase ax1.plot x F 'g' ax1.set_title row plt.show python matplotlib share.. 2 np.pi l x D for m l in zip i n f ax1 ax2 plt.subplots 2 ax1.plot x F 'g' ax1.set_title phase index ... I would normally use i..

matplotlib: combine different figures and put them in a single subplot sharing a common legend


01 from one case fig1 plt.figure ax1 fig1.add_subplot 111 ax1.plot x y1 label 'mode 01' # mode 01 from other case fig2 plt.figure.. one case fig1 plt.figure ax1 fig1.add_subplot 111 line1 ax1.plot x y1 label 'mode 01' # mode 01 from other case fig2 plt.figure..

fitting data with numpy


111 ax1.scatter x y facecolors 'None' ax1.plot x_new ffit x_new plt.show I get the following fitting_data.png..

How can I show figures separately in matplotlib?


as plt f1 plt.figure f2 plt.figure ax1 f1.add_subplot 111 ax1.plot range 0 10 ax2 f2.add_subplot 111 ax2.plot range 10 20 plt.show.. use add_axes . ax1 f1.add_axes 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8 ax1.plot range 0 10 ax2 f2.add_axes 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8 ax2.plot range 10..

matplotlib share x axis but don't show x axis tick labels for both, just one


as plt fig plt.figure ax1 fig.add_subplot 2 1 1 ax1.plot range 10 'b ' ax2 fig.add_subplot 2 1 2 sharex ax1 ax2.plot..

Save a subplot in matplotlib


two subplots... fig plt.figure ax1 fig.add_subplot 2 1 1 ax1.plot range 10 'b ' ax2 fig.add_subplot 2 1 2 ax2.plot range 20 'r^'..

why is plotting with Matplotlib so slow?


ax6 fig.add_subplot 616 x arange 0 2 pi 0.01 y sin x line1 ax1.plot x y 'r ' line2 ax2.plot x y 'g ' line3 ax3.plot x y 'y ' line4..