

python Programming Glossary: ax.tick_params

Changing the color of the axis, ticks and labels for a plot in matplotlib


Python/Matplotlib - Is there a way to make a discontinuous axis?


ax2.spines 'left' .set_visible False ax.yaxis.tick_left ax.tick_params labeltop 'off' # don't put tick labels at the top ax2.yaxis.tick_right.. ax2.spines 'left' .set_visible False ax.yaxis.tick_left ax.tick_params labeltop 'off' # don't put tick labels at the top ax2.yaxis.tick_right..

Matplotlib - Move X-Axis label downwards, but not X-Axis Ticks


advice from Joe Kingston see question above I tried using ax.tick_params axis 'x' pad 30 However this moves both the x axis tickmarks..

Matplotlib so log axis only has minor tick mark labels at specified points. Also change size of tick labels in colorbar


'left' ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position 'bottom' ax.tick_params axis 'both' reset False which 'both' length 8 width 2 self.plotSetAxisLabels.. 'left' ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position 'bottom' ax.tick_params axis 'both' reset False which 'both' length 8 width 2 self.plotSetAxisLabels.. 'left' ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position 'bottom' ax.tick_params axis 'both' reset False which 'both' length 8 width 2 cbar fig.colorbar..

Intraday candlestick charts using MatPlotLib


'bottom' ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position 'left' ax.tick_params axis 'both' direction 'out' width 2 length 8 labelsize 12 pad..