

python Programming Glossary: ax.set_yticklabels

Shade 'cells' in polar plot with matplotlib


z ax2.set_title 'Cells' for ax in ax1 ax2 ax.set_ylim 0 1 ax.set_yticklabels plt.show If your data isn't already on a regular grid then you'll..

Heatmap in matplotlib with pcolor?


ax.set_xticklabels row_labels minor False ax.set_yticklabels column_labels minor False plt.show And here's the output python.. made labels instead ax.set_xticklabels labels minor False ax.set_yticklabels nba_sort.index minor False # rotate the plt.xticks rotation..

Moving x-axis to the top of a plot in matplotlib


doesn't work ax.set_xticklabels row_labels minor False ax.set_yticklabels column_labels minor False plt.show However calling matplotlib's.. ax.set_xticklabels column_labels minor False ax.set_yticklabels row_labels minor False plt.show share improve this answer..

Matplotlib: Aligning y-ticks to the left


111 ax.barh ind data 0.999 ax.set_yticks ind 0.5 r ax.set_yticklabels ticks # ha 'left' fig.set_size_inches 12 8 fig.savefig r'C try.png'.. 111 ax.barh ind data 0.999 ax.set_yticks ind 0.5 r ax.set_yticklabels ticks ha 'left' fig.set_size_inches 12 8 forward True # re size..

matplotlib 3d plot with changing labels


'X Label' ax.set_ylabel 'Y Label' ax.set_zlabel 'Z Label' ax.set_yticklabels labels ax.set_xticklabels labels ax.set_zticklabels labels lin..

Accented characters in Matplotlib


How can I improve my paw detection?


dt .min align 'center' color 'red' ax.set_yticks range 1 5 ax.set_yticklabels 'Paw 1' 'Paw 2' 'Paw 3' 'Paw 4' ax.set_xlabel 'Time ms Since..