

python Programming Glossary: ax.add_collection

Matplotlib: How to colorize a large number of line segments as independent gradients, efficiently


coll LineCollection segments coll.set_array color_scalar ax.add_collection coll plt.show def interp data num 20 Add num additional points.. coll LineCollection segments coll.set_array color_scalar ax.add_collection coll plt.show def interp data num 20 Add num additional points.. coll LineCollection segments coll.set_array color_scalar ax.add_collection coll return fig def multiple_collections lines fig ax plt.subplots..

python: how to plot one line in different colors


coll.set_array np.random.random xy.shape 0 ax.add_collection coll ax.autoscale_view plt.show For both of these cases we're..

matplotlib change linewidth on line segments, using list


LineCollection lines linewidths width fig ax plt.subplots ax.add_collection lines ax.autoscale plt.show Polygon Example import numpy as..

Set line colors according to colormap


lines array z cmap plt.cm.rainbow linewidths 5 ax.add_collection lines fig.colorbar lines # Manually adding artists doesn't rescale..