

python Programming Glossary: ax.legend

Moving matplotlib legend outside of the axis makes it cutoff by the figure box


'Cosine' ax.plot x np.arctan x label 'Inverse tan' lgd ax.legend loc 9 bbox_to_anchor 0.5 0 ax.grid 'on' Notice how the final.. tan' handles labels ax.get_legend_handles_labels lgd ax.legend handles labels loc 'upper center' bbox_to_anchor 0.5 0.1 ax.grid..

matplotlib: combine different figures and put them in a single subplot sharing a common legend


customize to the desired layout. One modification to the ax.legend ... of your current code to make the legend centered horizontally.. Edit the function call to use the BlendedGenericTransform ax.legend loc 'upper center' ncol 7 labelspacing 0.7 columnspacing 0.75..

Matplotlib runs out of memory when plotting in a loop


True fig pyplot.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.plot x y ax.legend legendStrings loc 'best' fig.savefig 'himom.png' # etc.... ..

HOW TO: Draggable legend in matplotlib


100 np.random.randn 100 legend DraggableLegend ax.legend I emailed the Matplotlib users group and John Hunter was kind.. example. I added the code to legend.py. Now you can do leg ax.legend leg.draggable to enable draggable mode. You can repeatedly call..

fitting exponential decay with no initial guessing


ax.plot t noisy_y 'ro' fit_data ax.plot t fit_y 'b ' ax.legend real_data fit_data 'Actual Function n y 0.2f e^ 0.2f t 0.2f..

Secondary axis with twinx(): how to add to legend?


'Rn' ax2 ax.twinx ax2.plot time temp ' r' label 'temp' ax.legend loc 0 ax.grid ax.set_xlabel Time h ax.set_ylabel r Radiation.. lines lns lns1 lns2 lns3 labs l.get_label for l in lns ax.legend lns labs loc 0 ax.grid ax.set_xlabel Time h ax.set_ylabel r..

How to create a legend for 3D bar in matplotlib?


UPDATE Passing legend stuff to ax.bar3d and than calling ax.legend raises usr lib python2.6 site packages matplotlib axes.py 4368.. 'r' zsort 'average' red_proxy plt.Rectangle 0 0 1 1 fc r ax.legend blue_proxy red_proxy 'cars' 'bikes' plt.show produces this ..

Spline representation with scipy.interpolate: Poor interpolation for low-amplitude, rapidly oscillating functions


label 'Interpolated' ax.plot x y 'bo' label 'Original' ax.legend ax.set_title title ' Smoothing' plt.show The reason that you're..

Using Colormaps to set color of line in matplotlib


color colorVal #retLine.set_color lines.append retLine ax.legend lines labels loc 'upper right' ax.grid plt.show python matplotlib.. legend to work handles labels ax.get_legend_handles_labels ax.legend handles labels loc 'upper right' ax.grid plt.show Resulting..

Matplotlib savefig with a legend outside the plot


box.x0 box.y0 box.width 0.8 box.height ax.plot x y leg ax.legend 'abc' loc 'center left' bbox_to_anchor 1.0 0.5 #pyplot.show.. # object ax.set_position 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.8 ax.plot x y leg ax.legend 'abc' loc 'center left' bbox_to_anchor 1.0 0.5 fig.savefig 'aaa.png'..