

python Programming Glossary: autoload

Perl's AUTOLOAD in Python (__getattr__ on a module)


class AutoLoad object def __init__ self mod_name super autoload self .__init__ self.wrapped_name mod_name self.wrapped sys.modules.. is there a standard approach that people tend to use for autoloading in python Secondly a question for experienced python developers.. practice bad practice or similar. Thanks python module autoload magic getattr share improve this question Lazy imports could..

Efficiently updating database using SQLAlchemy ORM


engine table sqlalchemy.Table 'stuff' md autoload True upd table.update values table.c.foo table.c.foo 1 engine.execute..

Dynamic Class Creation in SQLAlchemy


I know we can manually specify new ORM classes using the autoload True to auto generate the mapping. The problem is that we need.. __tablename__ 'my_internal_table_name' __table_args__ 'autoload' True We don't want the classes to persist longer than necessary.. '__tablename__' stored 'tablename' '__table_args__' 'autoload' True MyObj type stored 'objectname' Base mydict print MyObj..

ropemacs USAGE tutorial


add to list 'load path ~ .emacs.d auto complete 1.2 autoload 'python mode python mode Python Mode. t add to list 'auto mode.. mode alist ' python . python mode require 'python mode autoload 'pymacs apply pymacs autoload 'pymacs call pymacs autoload 'pymacs.. mode require 'python mode autoload 'pymacs apply pymacs autoload 'pymacs call pymacs autoload 'pymacs eval pymacs nil t autoload..

Auto-load a module on python startup


import In 1 Something like this . Thanks python module autoload ipython share improve this question Check the file ~ .ipython..

SQLAlchemy declarative syntax with autoload (reflection) in Pylons


declarative syntax with autoload reflection in Pylons I would like to use autoload to use an.. with autoload reflection in Pylons I would like to use autoload to use an existings database. I know how to do it without declarative.. t_events Table 'events' Base.metadata schema 'events' autoload True autoload_with engine orm.mapper Event t_events Session.configure..

How to create an SQL View with SQLAlchemy?


5 engine.execute createview v Table 'viewname' metadata autoload True for r in engine.execute v.select print r Here is a working.. reflect view and print result v Table 'viewname' metadata autoload True for r in engine.execute v.select print r If you want you..