

python Programming Glossary: ax.add_patch

matplotlib: add circle to plot


plt.Circle e e radius 0.07 color 'g' plt.contour X Y F G 0 ax.add_patch circ plt.show And here is another example though not a contour..

How can I improve my paw detection?


Rectangle 0 0 1 1 fc 'none' ec 'red' for i in range 4 ax.add_patch rect for rect in rects title ax.set_title 'Time 0.0 ms' # Process..

How can I make the xtick labels of a plot be simple drawings using matplotlib?


# add a series of patches to serve as tick labels ax.add_patch patches.Circle 2 TICKYPOS radius .2 fill True clip_on False.. 2 TICKYPOS radius .2 fill True clip_on False ax.add_patch patches.Circle 4 TICKYPOS radius .2 fill False clip_on False.. 4 TICKYPOS radius .2 fill False clip_on False ax.add_patch patches.Rectangle 6 .1 TICKYPOS .05 .2 .2 fill True clip_on..

Rectangular bounding box around blobs in a monochrome image using python
