

python Programming Glossary: ax.grid

Moving matplotlib legend outside of the axis makes it cutoff by the figure box


'Inverse tan' lgd ax.legend loc 9 bbox_to_anchor 0.5 0 ax.grid 'on' Notice how the final label 'Inverse tan' is actually outside.. handles labels loc 'upper center' bbox_to_anchor 0.5 0.1 ax.grid 'on' fig.savefig 'samplefigure' bbox_extra_artists lgd bbox_inches..

matplotlib very slow. Is it normal?


k l size 3 ax.set_xlim 0.1 4.1 ax.set_xticks ax.set_yticks ax.grid 'off' ax.plot np.arange 5 data 'S1' 'Azimuth' k 1 l offset_l.. 0 L_max L_min 1 x_offset ax.set_xticks ax.set_yticks ax.grid 'off' for k in np.arange K_min K_max 1 for l in np.arange L_min..

Heatmap in matplotlib with pcolor?


minor False # rotate the plt.xticks rotation 90 ax.grid False # Turn off all the ticks ax plt.gca for t in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks..

associate a colorbar with a matrix graph


0.5 size .5 1 ax.set_yticks np.arange 0.5 size .5 1 ax.grid True color 'w' linestyle ' ' plt.setp y_ax frame_on False plt.setp..

python + matplotlib: barh plot show incomplete YTick labels - how to dynamically move the plot area to the right to fit the given YTickLabels?


plt.figure figsize 5.5 3 dpi 300 ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.grid True which 'both' bar ax.barh range 1 len D 1 1 D.values 0.4.. plt.figure figsize 5.5 3 dpi 300 ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.grid True which 'both' bar ax.barh range 1 len D 1 1 D.values 0.4..

Logarithmic y-axis bins in python


26.5 27.0 27.5 28.0 ax.set_xlim 23.5 28 ax.set_ylim 0 30 ax.grid True plt.yscale 'log' plt.show I've also tried instead of plt.yscale..

How can I remove the axes in an Axes3D class?


figsize 14 10 ax Axes3D fig azim azimuth elev elevation ax.grid on False # Additional axes xspan np.linspace 0 80 20 yspan np.linspace..

Placing Custom Images in a Plot Window--as custom data markers or to annotate those markers


Secondary axis with twinx(): how to add to legend?


ax2.plot time temp ' r' label 'temp' ax.legend loc 0 ax.grid ax.set_xlabel Time h ax.set_ylabel r Radiation MJ m^ 2 d^ 1.. labs l.get_label for l in lns ax.legend lns labs loc 0 ax.grid ax.set_xlabel Time h ax.set_ylabel r Radiation MJ m^ 2 d^ 1..

Using Colormaps to set color of line in matplotlib


retLine ax.legend lines labels loc 'upper right' ax.grid plt.show python matplotlib pyplot share improve this question.. ax.legend handles labels loc 'upper right' ax.grid plt.show Resulting in Using a ScalarMappable is an improvement..