

python Programming Glossary: auto_now_add

Why does django-lint tell me the `auto_now_add` is deprecated?


does django lint tell me the `auto_now_add` is deprecated Hi fellow Djangonauts I checked my project with.. W 211 16 MyModel timestamp Uses superceded auto_now or auto_now_add The commit message auto_now auto_now_add not technically deprecated.. auto_now or auto_now_add The commit message auto_now auto_now_add not technically deprecated but they still suck. Why do they..

How to query GAE datastore to render a template (newbie level)


required False ## contractDate db.DateProperty auto_now_add True ## contractDraft db.TextProperty required True app webapp2.WSGIApplication..

Actions triggered by field change in Django


owner models.ForeignKey User created models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True started models.DateTimeField null True state models.CharField..

How do you upload a file with a POST request on django-tastypie? [duplicate]


default 0 upload_date models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True video_description models.CharField max_length 860 video_title.. default 0 upload_date models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True video_description models.CharField max_length 860 video_title..

JSON serialization of Google App Engine models


db.DateTimeProperty date_uploaded db.DateTimeProperty auto_now_add True album db.ReferenceProperty Album collection_name 'photo'..

Django auto_now and auto_now_add


auto_now and auto_now_add For Django 1.1. I have this in my models.py class User models.Model.. class User models.Model created models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True modified models.DateTimeField auto_now True When updating.. has been talk in the past about making the auto_now and auto_now_add arguments go away and although they still exist I feel you're..

How to serialize db.Model objects to json?


db.StringProperty multiline True date db.DateTimeProperty auto_now_add True class MainPage webapp.RequestHandler def get self greetings_query..

Django. default=datetime.now() problem


you are trying to do already date models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True blank True or date models.DateTimeField default datetime.now..

Django datefield filter by weekday/weekend


field in my database date_created models.DateField auto_now_add True Is there some way I could filter date_created by weekend..

How can i compare password with retypepassword during registering/creating account without having a field 'retyppassword' in models.py?


max_length 255 email_token_expiry models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True tos models.BooleanField default False active models.BooleanField.. default False last_login models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True last_action models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True is_admin.. auto_now_add True last_action models.DateTimeField auto_now_add True is_admin models.BooleanField default False role models.CharField..