

python Programming Glossary: authkey

How to synchronize a python dict with multiprocessing


syncdict get_dict manager MyManager 5000 authkey password manager.start raw_input Press any key to kill server.. is run on loopback on port 5000. Using the authkey parameter uses secure connections when manipulating syncdict... if __name__ __main__ manager MyManager 5000 authkey password manager.connect syncdict manager.syncdict print dict..

Python multiprocessing: How can I RELIABLY redirect stdout from a child process?


l multiprocessing.connection.Listener 'localhost' int port authkey secret break except socket.error as ex if ex.errno 98 raise.. 1 conn multiprocessing.connection.Client 'localhost' port authkey secret while True try obj conn.recv print received s n str obj..

Gevent monkeypatching breaking multiprocessing


line 565 in _create conn self._Client self._address authkey self._authkey File usr local Cellar python 2.7.2 Frameworks.. in _create conn self._Client self._address authkey self._authkey File usr local Cellar python 2.7.2 Frameworks Python.framework.. connection.py line 175 in Client answer_challenge c authkey File usr local Cellar python 2.7.2 Frameworks Python.framework..