

python Programming Glossary: auth_handler

How do you access an authenticated Google App Engine service from a (non-web) python client?


e.g. passman urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm auth_handler urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler auth_handler.add_password None.. auth_handler urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler auth_handler.add_password None uri 'http mylovelyapp.appspot.com mylovelypage'.. passwd 'billybobspasswd' opener urllib2.build_opener auth_handler urllib2.install_opener opener But it makes no difference I still..

How to auto log into gmail atom feed with Python?


it worked import urllib2 def get_unread_msgs user passwd auth_handler urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler auth_handler.add_password realm.. user passwd auth_handler urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler auth_handler.add_password realm 'New mail feed' uri 'https mail.google.com'.. user passwd passwd opener urllib2.build_opener auth_handler urllib2.install_opener opener feed urllib2.urlopen 'https mail.google.com..

How to use the HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() in Python


each build_opener call and then using urllib2.urlopen auth_handler urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler auth_handler.add_password realm.. urllib2.urlopen auth_handler urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler auth_handler.add_password realm 'RESTRICTED ACCESS' uri 'http website.com'.. 'username' passwd 'password' opener urllib2.build_opener auth_handler urllib2.install_opener opener urllib2.urlopen 'http website.com..

opening websites using urllib2 from behind corporate firewall - 11004 getaddrinfo failed


password_mgr.add_password None url username password auth_handler urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler password_mgr opener urllib2.build_opener.. password_mgr opener urllib2.build_opener auth_handler urllib2.install_opener opener conn urllib2.urlopen 'http python.org'..

Python urllib2, basic HTTP authentication, and tr.im


urllib2.html I tried TRIM_API_URL 'http api.tr.im api' auth_handler urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler auth_handler.add_password realm.. api.tr.im api' auth_handler urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler auth_handler.add_password realm 'tr.im' uri TRIM_API_URL user USERNAME.. user USERNAME passwd PASSWORD opener urllib2.build_opener auth_handler urllib2.install_opener opener response urllib2.urlopen ' s trim_simple..